Category: The Bloomers

Annie, Shujan, Ishaan and Mike Powar

ENGL 301 Formal Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson  From: Shujun Peng Date: Oct 14,2020 Subject: Propose to increase the use of Wheelchair Attachable Shopping Carts at DaRunFa Grocery store in Shanghai.    Introduction:  As International Day of Persons with Disabilities approaches (December 3rd), we

Revised Definition Assignment

Hi guys. This is my revised definition assignment. Thank you. ENGL301 Shujunpeng Revised Definition (Assignment 1.3)

Peer Review: Annie Maurer’s definition assignment

To: Annie Maurer From: Shujun Peng Peer Review/ term: Standard Deviation Thank you for submitting your definition assignment for lesson 1: 3; this is an enjoyable read. Please see the review of the document below with suggestions for improvements, which

Assignment 1.3 Peer Review – Standard Deviation

Hi Annie, I have peer-reviewed your assignment. I am happy to say you’ve done a great job with your expanded definition! Do let me know if you have addition comments. Sincerely, Ishaan. 301-Definitions-Peer-Review-Ishaan-Vora

Lesson 1.3 Peer Review – Brand Extension

Name of the Reviewer: Annie Maurer Author’s Name: Ishaan Vora Title of the Expanded Definition: Brand Extension Great work on your definitions assignment, Ishaan. I have reviewed your submission in detail and I have the following feedback for you: Initial

Assignment 1.3

Greetings teammates! This is my assignment 1.3. Looking forward to reviewing yours. Shujunpeng ENGL Assignment 1.3 Definition of Soft Costs

Lesson 1:3 – Three Definitions Assignment

Introduction: The purpose of this assignment is to practice defining a technical term to a non-technical audience. Three types of definitions will be practiced: parenthetical, sentence and expanded. The term to be defined is meant to be relatively complex. Reading

Ishaan Vora | Assignment 1.3

Hi fellow Bloomers! Hope this post finds you finds! Attached below is my assignment as per the schedule of this course. My chosen word is ‘Brand Extension’ and I hope you guys have a good read! I am looking forward

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