Category: Team Forum

Bridge Financing – Peer Review

Hi Nicholas, I have reviewed your definition assignment. Following this message are my comments as a peer review form  as well as your original document. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Best, Phoebe Link to

Lesson 1:3 – Three Definitions Assignment

Introduction: The purpose of this assignment is to practice defining a technical term to a non-technical audience. Three types of definitions will be practiced: parenthetical, sentence and expanded. The term to be defined is meant to be relatively complex. Reading

Assignment 1:3 – Definition of CRISPR-Cas9

Introduction: The goal of this week’s assignment is to write a parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definition of a complex term that is specific to our respective fields. The purpose of this is for us to appreciate how the complexity of

Three Definitions Assignment

Hello teammates, Please see below for my three definitions assignment. Best, Eugenia — Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to gain insight into the role of definitions and appreciate their importance with regard to technical writing. The target audience

ENGL 301 – Hilton Ma – Assignment 1-3

English Assignment 1-3 Criteria: Assignment 1-3 is an exercise that focuses upon the ability to translate professional jargon and terms into a simpler format. This exercise is useful as professionals of all industries will interact with consumers or individuals from

Definition assignment

Definition Term:Closures (Aterm from CPEN 400A class) Parenthetical Definition: The function implements a closure (a record storing function environment) inside itself. Sentence Definition: The closure is a programming technique implemented in programming languages (especially in JavaScript). This technique is usually

Assignment 1:3 – Definition of Accrual Accounting

Hi team! Please see my definition of the term ‘accrual accounting’ attached in the Word document below. I look forward to reading everyone else’s definition! Thanks, Richard 301 Richard Chen Definition __________________________________ Introduction The objective of this week’s assignment is

Ishaan Vora | Assignment 1.3

Hi fellow Bloomers! Hope this post finds you finds! Attached below is my assignment as per the schedule of this course. My chosen word is ‘Brand Extension’ and I hope you guys have a good read! I am looking forward

Assignment 1.3 – Three Definitions

Hello Claire, Erika here, can you please post your definition directly onto this page – not as an attachment. Thank you. Once you have posted be sure to click on publish.   Hi team, Please see my attached document to

Assignment 1.3 Three Definitions of “Agile”

Hi team, Please find my Three Definitions assignment below. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I look forward to reading and peer reviewing your definitions! Kind regards, Jen Introduction: Students will recognize the


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