Category: Team Forum

Assignment 4:3 : Final Formal Report

To: Erin Mungham and Junrong Zhu, ENGL 301 Dream Team members From: Roxanne Robles, ENGL 301 Dream Team member Date: December 13, 2020 Subject: Final Formal Report As instructed, attached is a pdf of the final version of my report. Please

Application Package Draft

To: ENGL 301 Students, Fourth Pair of Eyes From: Evan Ruiz, ENGL 301 Student Date: December 13, 2020 Subject: Application Package Draft Hello Team, Please find my draft application package attached below, including: The original job post selected for my

Assignment 4:3 Web Folio Complete

Hello team, As requested on the course website, I have attached the link to my Web Folio to this post. Thank you, Erin Mungham Erin Mungham Web Folio

Formal Report

To: Roxanne Robles, Junrong Zhu, ENGL 301 students From: Erin Mungham, ENGL 301 student Date: December 13, 2020 Subject: Formal Report Hi team, As requested on the course website, I have attached my Formal Report to this post as a

Assignment 4.1 – Peer Review of Mila’s Application Package

To: Mila Tung, Member of JJAM writing team From: Ashley Yuan, Member of JJAM writing team Date: December 14, 2020 Subject: Peer Review of Job Application Package   Dear Mila, Thank you for your job application package draft. It was

Assignment 4:1 : Peer Review of Job Application Package Draft

To:  Junrong Zhu, English 301 Student Writer From: Roxanne Robles, English 301 Student Reviewer Date: December 12, 2020 Subject: Peer Review of Rough Draft of Job Application Package   First Impressions Your application package includes all the assignment’s requirements and

Assignment 4:1 Application Package Draft

To: Team Undefined Team Members From: Aleem Tariq, ENGL 301 Student Date: December 12, 2020 Subject: Application Package Draft I have enclosed my application package in this memorandum. The application package includes the following: The Job posting Cover letter Resume

Assignment 4:1 Peer Review of Application Package Draft

To: Roxanne Robles, ENGL 301 student From: Erin Mungham, ENGL 301 student Date: December 13, 2020 Subject: Peer review of application package Thank you for submitting your application package. Please see the review of your application package below which outlines

Jessica Lee | Assignment 4.1 Peer Review of Phoebe Wu’s Application Package Draft

To: Phoebe Wu, ENGL 301 99A Student From: Jessica Lee, ENGL 301 99A Student Date: Dec 13, 2020 Subject: Peer Review of Phoebe Wu’s Application Package Draft Dear Phoebe, Thank you for submitting your Application Package Draft, it was a

Application Package Draft

Hello team! I hope everyone is doing well. Find my application package draft below: 301-Mitchell-Prost-Draft-Application-Package   MLA Citation of Job Posting “Hiring Residence Life Coordinator, 1600 – Burnaby.” Sfu.Ca, 2020,


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