Category: ‘Pencil Pack

Claire Eccles, Quentin Michalchuk, Eugenia Fasciani, and Hilton Ma.

Revised Definition

Hi team! I have graciously accepted Hilton’s suggestions and here is my revised definition of ‘cognitive dissonance.’ Enjoy your evening. Best, Claire   Introduction Criteria The outline of this assignment is to choose a fairly complex word and apply three

Peer Review of ‘Cognitive Dissonance’

MEMORANDUM   To:                Claire Eccles From:            Hilton Ma Date:            October 5, 2020 Subject:        Peer Review of ‘Cognitive Dissonance’     Hello Claire,   This is my peer review after having read your definition of ‘cognitive dissonance’. You’ve done a great

Assignment 1.3 – Peer Review of Parathion Defintion

To: Quentin Michalchuk, Author From: Eugenia Fasciani, Reviewer Date: October 5, 2020 Subject: Peer Review of Parathion Definition Dear Quentin, Hope you had a good weekend. Thank you for providing a wonderful definition of parathion. I had heard of the

Assignment 1.3 Peer Review – Post-Activation Potentiation

To: Hilton Ma From: Claire Eccles Subject: Peer review of Post-Activation Potentiation   Hi Hilton, I hope you are enjoying your evening. I have peer reviewed the term that you submitted last week and enjoyed getting the opportunity to understand

Quentin Michalchuk – ENGL 301 – Assignment 1:3 Peer Review of Sovereignty

Reviewer’s Name: Quentin Michalchuk Author’s Name: Eugenia Fasciani Date: October 5th, 2020 Subject: Peer Review of Sovereignty Hello Eugenia, Thank you for the excellent definition of Sovereignty and its intricacies in a political context. Being so far removed from what

Quentin Michalchuk ENGL 301 Assignment 1:3 Three Definitions (Parathion)

Hello Team, I hope you enjoy reading my post as much as I will enjoy reading yours! Please let me know if you have any questions. Note: In-text citations occur after all consecutive relevant sentences from a single source are

Three Definitions Assignment

Hello teammates, Please see below for my three definitions assignment. Best, Eugenia — Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to gain insight into the role of definitions and appreciate their importance with regard to technical writing. The target audience

ENGL 301 – Hilton Ma – Assignment 1-3

English Assignment 1-3 Criteria: Assignment 1-3 is an exercise that focuses upon the ability to translate professional jargon and terms into a simpler format. This exercise is useful as professionals of all industries will interact with consumers or individuals from

Assignment 1.3 – Three Definitions

Hello Claire, Erika here, can you please post your definition directly onto this page – not as an attachment. Thank you. Once you have posted be sure to click on publish.   Hi team, Please see my attached document to


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