Course Schedule
Please NOTE all assignments are due before Midnight on the due date.
Late assignments will lose .05 per day
WEEK ONE: Introduction and setting up Student Blogs
- Access and explore textbook: Technical Communication 15th Edition by John M. Lannon; Laura J. Gurak and Publisher Pearson
Technical Communication 15th Edition by John M. Lannon; Laura J. Gurak and Publisher Pearson. Save up to 80% by choosing the eTextbook option for ISBN: 9780135203255, 0135203252. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9780135164785,
- Learn how to set up your UBC blog
- Study the Course Description and the Introduction to our course on the Instructor’s blog
- Instructor’s Blog
- How to set up your UBC Blog
- Technical Communications Part One: Communicating in the Work Place
- I would also like you to spend some time exploring the index of this textbook and acquiring an idea of the range of writing concerns we have to traverse as technical and professional writers in the workplace.
1:1 Assignments:
DUE Sept 14 : Set up your UBC Blog and include a menu with:
- A Home page that introduces this course of studies, based on the course description, and comments on your expectations for this course (300 words)
- A ‘BIO’ page that outlines your academic and professional interests. Please use a first person voice and be both friendly and professional, this is appropriate when writing for peers (300 words)
- A Blog page – where you will post your reflections as instructed; be sure to categorize this page as ‘Blog’ and click ‘new post‘ in your menu when you want to compose a new blog. (NOTE the difference: clicking ‘new page’ in the menu creates a seperate page – clicking ‘new post’ creates a new entry on the BLOG page)
- Post the link to your blog page on our CHAT page in Canvas or on our private Face Book Group page.
Blog set up instructions:
Be sure that the blog theme you choose includes:
- Automatic dating when you post
- Allows comments without approval
- Has a side bar widget that indicates recent posts and recent comments.
WEEK TWO: Specific Documents: letters, memos, emails
- Create Writing teams or four people based on your letters of introduction
- Study and practice techniques for writing professional letters, memos and emails
- Technical Communications: Part One
- Instructor’s Blog
1: 2 Assignments:
- Due Sept 18 : A letter of application addressed to the class to be posted on your blog [and included as word doc file linked into your blog]. Be sure to name your file appropriately: 301 Your name Application letter.
- Due Sept 18 : An email memo to your instructor providing a brief summary of your letter and an attached word doc of your letter – POSTED on your blog. Please do not email.
- Due Sept 23: An email message to your prospective writing team partners. Send the message and post on your Blog
- Be sure to name your attached file appropriately: 301 Your name Application letter.
WEEK THREE Definitions and Peer Review
- Study writing techniques for Definitions & Peer review
- Technical Communications; Chapter 17
- Instructor’s Blog
1: 3 Assignments:
- Due Sept 30th: Write three definitions of the same term: a parenthetical definition, a sentence definition, and an expanded definition on your writing team forum board before midnight.
- Due : Oct 5th : Peer review of definitions on your writing team forum.
- Due Oct 7th: Unit One Reflection Blog:
- Edit your definition assignment according to your peer review feedback — post on original team page and rename: ‘Revised Definition’.
- Write a Reflection Blog on both the original writing, the peer review process and the editing process: what did you learn?
- Include a link to your edited definition
- Post on your Blog before midnight
WEEK FOUR Formal Report Proposal writing
- Study writing techniques for Proposals and Formal Reports
- Brainstorm ideas for a formal report following the guidelines set out in 2:1
- Technical Communications: Chapter 21
- Instructor’s Blog
- Hand out: 301-Hand-out-Formal-Report
2: 1 Assignments:
- Due Oct 14 : Formal report proposal to be posted on your Team forum and included as word doc file in an email memo to your Instructor posted on your team forum as well. Before midnight.
- Due Oct 21: Peer review of a Formal Report proposal on your Team Forum.
WEEK FIVE Networking and Resume building
- Study techniques for professional networking and building an online profile with resume
- Technical Communications
- UBC Careers Online
- Instructor’s Blog
- Research articles about Linked-In
2:2 Assignments:
- Due Oct 26: Write a memo to your writing team posted on your team forum with the purpose of providing a brief summary of your research concerning best practices for professional networking on Linked In, before midnight.
- Due Oct 30 : Set up a Linked in Profile and invite your writing team members to the page with an email memo posted on your Team forum.
- Due Nov 4: Peer Review of Linked in Profile Page posted on your writing team forum.
WEEK SIX Outlines and Progress Reports
- Study techniques for writing formal report outlines and progress reports
- Study techniques for reflection and self-editing
- Technical Communications
- Instructor’s Blog
2:3 Assignments:
- Due Nov 9 : Formal Report Outline posted on your team forum[p. 522] before midnight
- Due Nov 13 : An email memo to Instructor with a Progress Report on your Formal Report with word files attached, or url links to, surveys, and/or interview questions: POSTED on your team forum before midnight.
- Due Nov 16 Unit Two Reflections Blog, before midnight.
WEEK SEVEN Writing with the Right Attitude
- Study and review writing techniques
- Learn how to write with “You Attitude”
- Technical Communications
- Instructor’s Blog
3: 1 Assignments:
- Due Nov 20: Writing with You Attitude Memo to Evan Crisp- before midnight posted on your team forum
- Due Nov 23: Peer Review of Writing with Attitude assignment posted on your team Forum before midnight
- Due Nov 27: Business Letters: Complaint & Bad News letter posted on your team forum before midnight
WEEK EIGHT Drafting Formal Reports
- Complete all necessary research for Formal Report
- Begin the job/ volunteer or graduate school process and search jobs or international volunteer positions or graduate schools you would like to apply for; if not now, perhaps sometime in the near future.
- Technical Communications
- Instructor’s Blog
3:2 Assignments:
- Due Dec 1: Formal Report Draft posted on your team forum with a word doc file. Please ensure that you include your reader’s name and title on your cover page. Before midnight. If you cannot post your First Draft today — please be sure to contact your team mates and make arrangements for peer reviews.
WEEK NINE Review and Reflect: Reading your Formal Reports & planning for the future
- Reviewing and reflecting on your formal reports
- Research the jobs or international volunteer positions or graduate schools you would like to apply for; choose one.
- Technical Communications
- Instructor’s Blog
3:3 Assignments:
- Due Dec 10 : Peer Review of Formal Report Draft posted on your team forum [late assignments will lose 0.5 points per day].
- Due Dec 10: Unit Three Reflections Blog, before midnight
WEEK TEN The Job/ International Volunteer or Graduate School Application Process & Package
- Develop a strategy for social networking that will benefit your application process
- Draft the necessary documents for your application:
- Cover Letter for email applications
- Letter of introduction
- Resume: online or PDF?
- Request for references
- Technical Writing
- Instructor’s Blog
4: 1 Assignments:
- Due Dec 12: Rough Draft of application package attached to your team forum before midnight
- Due Dec 15: Peer review of Applications package, on your team forum midnight
WEEK ELEVEN Final Drafts of Formal Report and Job Application
4:2 Assignments:
- Due Dec 17: Job application Package posted to your Web Folio
- Due Dec 17: Formal Report posted on your team forum as a pdf. doc
4:3 Web Folio complete
- Due Dec 17 :Web Folio posted on team forum before midnight