Instructor’s Blog


Instructor’s Blog

Hello, and welcome to my Blog. Below this post you will see previous posts from last semester’s class. This is the first Blog for our class.

Writing Teams and writing definitions

By erikapaterson on August 26, 2020 @3:27 pm

Good Friday morning 301 First, a quick note on forming your writing teams; if you receive an invitation to a team, you can write an email message responding to that invitation in place of a message of invitation. I have


By erikapaterson on August 26, 2020 @3:27 pm

Welcome to our course of studies together I will post new blogs on a regular basis and you should read before beginning each week’s lesson. The principle purpose of this Blog is to respond to your work and the progress of our course

You Attitude and drafting the formal report

By erikapaterson on August 26, 2020 @3:27 pm

The 5 essential rules of YOU attitude: Avoid starting  with “I” or “We.” Avoid “you” when it criticizes the reader. The best way to do this – is to take the reader out of the sentence. See example below*. The

Drafting a Formal Report: the most common and serious errors

By erikapaterson on August 26, 2020 @3:27 pm

When drafting your Formal Report keep in mind the most common and serious errors: Writing with a negative tone: Avoid the negative. Writing with a demanding tone: Respect your reader, edit out imperative verbs. Writing information that your reader already

Writing Tips: framing survey questions

By erikapaterson on August 26, 2020 @3:27 pm

When composing survey questions, it is essential that the questions are framed in the positive, and do not lead toward a particular answer. In other words, avoid ‘leading questions.’ For example: Leading Questions: At what time of day or in


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