WEEK TEN The Job/ International Volunteer or Graduate School Application Process & Package
- Draft the necessary documents for your application:
- Cover letter for online resumes
- Resume: online and pdf.
- Three request for references
- Technical Writing:
- Chapter 11: Editing
- Chapter 16: Resumes
- Chapter 25 Social Media
- Instructor’s Blog
4: 1 Assignments:
PLEASE SEE Due dates on our Course Schedule
- Rough Draft of application package attached to your team forum before midnight [late assignments will loose 0.5 points per day]
- Peer review of Applications package, posted on your forum page before midnight [late assignments will loose 0.5 points per day]
Instructions for Assignments:
A rough draft of your Application Package should include:
- The actual advertisement or application instructions, accompanied by MLA documentation showing the source of the ad.
- A one-page cover letter addressed to the prospective employer or organization and designed to conform to the best practices for organization, content, layout, and design set out in Technical Communication
- A resume – maximum two pages following the format and layout of one of the resume styles set out in Technical Communications.
- Three letters requesting references
Peer Review of Application Package:
Step by Step by Step:
- Before you read the document, create a template for your review. Based on the assignment criteria and the textbook guidelines, consider the important elements of the document you are about to review before you begin.
- Create a set of headings for each category of the document and list them in a logical order.
- Now, read the document focused on these categories making notes for yourself as you read.
- You are looking for BOTH the positive highlights of the document and the negative weakness’ under each category.
- Be sure to indicate why you are suggesting changes: the rational.
- Address your peer by name, begin your review with a salutation and a short introductory paragraph that highlights briefly and generally the strong and the weak parts of the document.
- Conclude your review with a likewise friendly and complimentary paragraph, again highlighting the positive and listing briefly the general changes you have suggested.