A short bio

Good Wed morning English 301;

I hope you’ve had an opportunity to read through the course description and schedule. Please do not hesitate to either email me or post on our chat page with any questions or comments you may have. I am always available to answer your emails and discuss any queries as well as engage with your ideas. While each of you are writing short ‘bios for your 301 WordPress sites, I would like to offer you a short introduction as well.

I graduated with a Ph.D. from the Theatre department at the University of Victoria in 1998. After writing and directing plays for the Fringe theatres across Canada, I began teaching with the English department at UBC in 2005. I also teach for a program called Semester at Sea, we sail around the globe with 700 students and a faculty of 60 professors. I am a traveller, a mother and grandmother, and I like to tell stories. I live part of the year on a little island off the coast of Belize and part of the year on the West Coast of B.C., and whenever I can, I go exploring with my backpack. I am now semi-retired, teaching English 301, an online course I authored about 7 years ago, and a course that I love teaching.

I realize that since the pandemic began many professors are offering zoom classes, and videoed lectures, and some students have become accustomed to zoom classes and can feel disappointed that this course does not offer videoed lectures or zoom meetings. I am sorry to disappoint anyone, but because this is a writing course with the central goals of developing and practicing your professional writing skills, I believe strongly that communication between us should be in writing. We can communicate privately via email or share our communications on the Canvas Chat page. You will also be forming small writing teams and creating professional peer reviews for each other. And, once again,  I am always available during the week, and sometimes even on weekends.

Thank you for your interest in English 301, I am looking forward to a great semester together and wishing you a wonderful day,


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