Memo to Erica Paterson: Progress Report for Formal Report on Determining the Feasibility of Paper Reduction Techniques in West Coast Property Management


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Professor of English 301  – Technical Writing

From: Ken Colosie, BBRE Student

Date: March 1, 2022

Subject: Progress Report for Determining the Feasibility of Paper Reduction Techniques



The President and Owner of the company, Daren Sello, will be the reader for my formal report. Daren is the managing broker (required to operate a strata management company in B.C.) for West Coast Property Management and oversees all employees within the organization. He is the sole decision maker in terms of implementing new processes or procedures.


Purpose of the Report

This report aims to determine the feasibility of implementing paper wastage reduction techniques at West Coast Property Management. .

Significance of the Report

This report will enable Mr. Sello to gain a full understanding of the paper wastage occurring within his organization, the costs to the business from this paper wastage, and the proposed solutions for these inefficiencies.

Research Plan

I have identified seven tasks I need to complete during my research:

  • Examine the current procedures and policies surrounding paper usage at WCPM
  • Compose a survey to be sent out to employees of the company
  • Company a survey to be sent out to the general public.
  • Casually interview co-workers to get a feel for the company attitude towards paper wastage.
  • Conduct secondary research for past companies who have implemented paper reduction techniques and the cost benefit analysis.
  • Analyze data collected from the surveys


Writing Schedule

  • March 2-7 Collect Date from WCPM
  • March 5 – Launch Surveys
  • March 9 – Review Survey Date
  • March 12 – Conduct secondary research
  • March 16 – Submit formal report draft
  • March 26 – Submit formal report



I would appreciate any comments you may have regarding my progress report. Thank you.

Enclosure: 301 – Formal Report Outline

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