Peer Review of Samantha’s Definitions

To:          Samantha Krieg, Writing Team Member
From:     Jeemin Kim, Writing Team Member
Date:      June 10, 2022
Subject: Review of your definitions assignment

Thank you for submitting your definitions assignment. I enjoyed reading about the degree of freedom as a non-technical reader. I believe it was very detailed and excellently written. Please consider the following suggestions for further improvement.


  • Your assignment is written and organized clearly; it includes all the appropriate headings and sub-headings, making it easier for non-technical readers including myself to understand the term.
  • Your assignment seems to be missing an introduction as well as a reading situation (please see the Step by Step Instructions for the definitions assignment under Unit 1 – Lesson 1:3).  Adding the two will make it clearer for non-technical readers to understand the context for these definitions.


  • The images, which I assume you drew yourself, is very helpful in demonstrating the concept, as well as what the other jargon (e.g. rotational and translational movements) imply.


  • I was a little confused about the discipline or profession which the degree of freedom is used within, until I reached the last part of your expanded definition. I would suggest you move the sentence “The degree of freedom helps engineers understand how a structural member will respond to an applied load” to the beginning of the expanded definition, or mention the discipline earlier in the assignment.

Grammar & Language

  • There are no apparent grammar mistakes or typos. Language is concise and professional.


  • References are correctly cited.

I hope my peer review offers some help in the self-editing stage of this assignment. If any of my suggestions are unclear or require further elaboration, please let me know.

Term Definitions


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