Peer Review: Dale’s Definitions

To Dale Miller, ENGL 301 Student

From : Harvey Dhaliwal, ENGL 301 Student

Peer Review / Term: Standup


First Impressions:

The assignment was excellent overall. It was well organized, informative, and addresses the situation appropriately. Some suggestions have been provided for improvement below.


  • Thoughtfully laid out, well organized structure.
  • Excellent use of bolded headings to label each definition type.


  • Clearly states the purpose of the assignment and criteria.
  • Reading situation is stated, the level of detail and language used is appropriate.


  • Parenthetical definition is easy to understand and provides context for a situation where the term can be used.
  • Perhaps removing “our” from the definition would make it more generalized.
  • Sentence definition is informative and flows well.
  • Replacing the term “blockers” with a more commonly understood term may provide more clarity. Are “blockers” specifically people, resources, or any hinderances at all?

Expansion Methods:

  • Four expansion methods: Operating Principle, Visuals, Required Conditions, and Examples are clearly present.
  • Presentation of three required conditions is particularly helpful and informative.
  • Use of Agile framework as an example for where standups are used is excellent.


  • Some components (scrum master, burn down/up chart) are not immediately relevant and not explained in the text.
  • An image more specific to standups specifically may be more appropriate and beneficial, rather than focusing on the Agile framework.


  • Professionally written, any use of specialized terms is clearly explained (ex. sprints).
  • Some areas can be edited for conciseness, in both cases the two words used are similar enough to choose just one:
    • Expanded definition paragraph 3, line 4 (“advice or input”)
    • Expanded definition paragraph 3, line 5 (“concerns or problems”)
  • The final sentence of the third paragraph in the expanded definition can be shortened and broken into two sentences to clarify which idea is being cited.

Works Cited:

  • Formatting of webpages in reference list is not consistent with MLA or APA format.
  • Titles should be placed in quotations while website names should be italicized in MLA format, refer to Purdue OWL MLA or APA guide for useful information.

Concluding Comments:

  • Visual more specific to standups would enhance clarity
  • Revising for conciseness suggested
  • Reworking citations to match MLA or APA style (see above)

It was a pleasure reviewing your assignment and learning more about this term which was previously foreign to me. I hope that you found my comments useful. If you would like to discuss any of my points further, please feel free to contact me.



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