Jo Hempelmann Definition

Jo Hempelmann
Chekhov’s Gun
Parenthetical Definition
Unfortunately, the short story did not adhere to the principle of Chekhov’s Gun (plot points should be introduced early in the story).
Sentence Definition
Chekhov’s Gun is a storytelling technique that states important plot points should appear in the narrative before they become relevant.
Paragraph Definiton
Chekhov’s Gun is a storytelling technique that states plot details or twists that occur later in a narrative should be introduced substantially beforehand, so that the audience is aware of their existence and have their expectations set accordingly.
The name comes from a quote by Russian playwright Anton Chekhov. He suggests that if a gun is fired in Act III of a play, it must be present in Act I instead of appearing out of nowhere when the plot demands it.
This storytelling principle is especially important because a satisfactory conclusion to a narrative is typically the result of a well-crafted beginning. If the audience sees a gun in Act I, they will not be confused when a character fires it in Act III. This principle applies not just to physical objects in narratives, but can apply to plot points, internal struggles, and more (ex: if a character quits their job at the end of the narrative, their dissatisfaction should be made clear earlier on).

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