Formal Report Email Memo – Izabel Lopez

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 Professor

From: Izabel Lopez, ENGL301 Student

Date: June 22, 2022

Subject: Summary of Formal Report Proposal for Placing Copper in Buses to UBC as a Priority


I have posted my formal report proposal for Placing Copper in Buses to UBC as a Priority on “Izabel’s Team” as required for the lesson 2.1 assignment. The word doc is also attached below.


My research proposal contains the following:


  • Audience Description – H. Fraser Phillips, Strategic Analysis in Teck Resources Limited (“Teck”)
  • Introduction of Topic – Placing Copper in Buses to UBC as a Priority
  •  Statement of Problem – Uncertainty of cleanliness in public transit after COVID-19 pandemic
  •  Proposed Solutions – Placement of Copper products in UBC buses
  •  Scope of Questions – number of UBC commuters, health and safety in public transit, current research in copper, etc.
  •  Forms of Primary and Secondary Sources – Surveys, online publications and records
  •  My Qualifications – Experienced commuter as a UBC student 
  •  Conclusion – Summarizes the need for copper products in UBC buses


Please contact me for any comments or concerns about my proposal. Feedback and constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.


Enclosure: Izabel_FormalReportProposal


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