Nicole’s Proposal Peer Review For David

To: David Cheung
From : Nicole White
Date: June 29, 2022

Subject: Peer Review of Research Proposal for Improving Methods of Theft Prevention at Costco Vancouver

Great work on the assignment for lesson 2:1, and thank you for your punctual submission. This proposal provides a concise evaluation of the issues Costco Vancouver faces. Please consider the following suggestions for improvement of the proposal.

Initial Impressions:

The proposal is organized well and presents a thoughtful summary of the damages Costco incurs from theft. In each section of the proposal, the criteria for the assignment have been met. However, there are some areas that need improvement. The proposal needs to be readdressed to Dr. Erika Paterson, and it requires a statement of audience. Furthermore, the methods of the proposal should be expanded on.


The introduction of this proposal does a good job at providing the reader with necessary information on how Costco operates. When stating that members leave the flatbeds in place after use, is this a problem if they are left on Costco property or only if the flatbeds are left off property? Please consider clarifying this. Overall, the introduction ties in well with the rest of the proposal.

Statement of Problem:

The statement of problem clearly states the current issues in theft Costco faces. However, this section would benefit from an estimate on the amount of flatbeds stolen from Costco.

Proposed Solution:

This section provides well-thought-out solutions on reducing the theft at Costco. Particularly, using the Buggies and Member Services department to fetch flatbeds along the street is an effective method to reduce flatbed theft.


The scope of the proposal is clear and lists important questions. Analyzing the current policies of theft prevention will yield informative results for this study.


The primary sources are appropriate and plausible given the time restraints for this assignment. The secondary sources listed will be important for pursing this study.


Overall, this proposal is comprehensive and concise. The statement of problem provides a compelling argument for this proposed study, and the proposed solutions are logical. This should provide an interesting analysis in the full report. Furthermore, the qualifications stated display competency to pursue further study. Please consider the following recommendations:

  • The proposal needs to be addressed to Dr. Erika Paterson, and a statement of audience should be included.
  • As mentioned above, include an estimate of the amount of flatbeds stolen in the statement of problem.
  • The methods section should be expanded on. Will the primary sources be interviewed, surveyed, etc?


  • The tone of this proposal is professional and does not use language that will confuse readers


  • The proposal is well-structured and follows a logical flow of information
  • The format of the proposal can be improved by reducing the white space when posting to the blog page.


  • There are some grammatical errors throughout the document. The corrections are bolded below:
    • “With the exception of accessing the pharmacy or optometrist…”
    • “To assess the viability of improved and new methods of theft prevention…”
    • “One of my duties is to stop the theft of Costco goods.”
    • “Do the changes adhere to Costco’s policy?”

Final Impressions:

Overall, this is a well written proposal as it thoroughly explains the issue Costco is facing with theft, and thank you for highlighting this. Please consider the following recommendations for revision:

  • Re-address the letter to Dr. Erika Paterson
  • Include a statement of audience
  • Edit the grammatical and spelling errors
  • Expand on the methods of study

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. I look forward to reading the full report.

David’s Formal Report Proposal

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