2.2 MEMO



To: Team All Stars, writing team ENGL 301

From: Ethan Fung, student of ENGL 301 

Date: July 2, 2022

Subject: Best practices concerning professional networking on LinkedIn


Dear All Stars,


Below are some techniques that can be used to help build a professional site on the website LinkedIn:


  1. Know your audience: Craft a profile targeted at people in your field of interest.
  2. Choose a professional profile picture: The photo is often the first thing people see, so dress to impress but don’t over-complicate it. 
  3. Write an intriguing headline: Catch the reader’s attention with a headline that makes them interested. 
  4. Avoid commonly used “buzzwords”: Words like hardworking, successful, and motivated are too common. Aim for words that represent yourself in a unique way.  
  5. Consistently update your profile: Make sure your skills and experiences are up to date.
  6. Subscribe to people who are influential in your field of interest: This can increase the chances of making meaningful connections. 
  7. Customize the LinkedIn profile URL: This will make the URL shorter, easier to type, and easier to remember. 
  8. Use direct and simple language: Avoid jargon and acronyms 
  9. Provide contact information.
  10. Proofread everything: improper grammar or spelling will make your site seem unprofessional and sloppy.


LinkedIn can be an amazing tool to build professional connections. The tips provided above are a brief summary of my research on best practices concerning professional networking on LinkedIn. If there are any concerns or questions regarding these tips do not hesitate to contact me. 


Works Cited: 


  • The Muse Editor. “The Best LinkedIn Profile Tips for Job Seekers.” The Best LinkedIn Profile Tips for Job Seekers – The Muse, The Muse, 1 Nov. 2015, 


  • 20 steps to a better linkedin profile in 2022. LinkedIn. (n.d.). 


  • Smith, Brad. “20 LinkedIn Tips to Help Boost Engagement.” Social Media Today, 8 Jan. 2019, 


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