Izabel Lopez – Peer Review by Hanul Seo

Hanul Seo

Author’s Name: Izabel Lopez

Formal Report Proposal: Formal Report Proposal for Placing Copper in Buses to UBC as a Priority


Through an analysis of a specific problem within an industry we were passionate about, we were called to draft a formal report to discuss our stance on what kinds of changes should be implemented to better enhance the industry discussed.



The purpose of Izabel’s formal report proposal addresses the sanitary issues of public transportation. Due to the number of individuals who use public transportation as a mean of travel in UBC, Izabel proposes that there is a need to determine a way to reduce the spread of germs via public transit. Moreover, Izabel goes into more detail by entailing the how the reduction of restrictions prohibit more individuals using public transport. As a result, there is an increase in the likelihood of transmission as sanitation is yet to be a priority for Translink. Her proposed solution of to be more thorough in the maintenance of cleanliness, as well as perhaps introducing copper as it is found “to be more durable and able to kill 99.9%  of all bacteria within an hour of the bacteria’s contact with the surface.” One concern with the proposed solution would be where the funding for the implementation for the swap of materials. Additionally, there would also be a reduction of transport services during the implementation stage of the solution, which would also have to be considered as well. Moreover, I found Izabel’s formal report to be very interesting, as the large problem of the spreading of germs, could be mitigated with the swap of metals. I genuinely appreciated the feasibility of Izabel’s solution, and thought it was very well written.


One criticism I would have on Izabel’s formal report, would be to indicate her primary audience more clearly. Although I appreciated the generalizability of her report, I found myself confused at who this was written for and how it could be implemented.


My primary change for this article, as mentioned above would be to be more direct regarding her primary audience. By addressing who this is written for, as well as how writing to this/these individuals would benefit the goal or purpose of the report, Izabel’s article would stand out and be more effective.


I appreciated the organization of Izabel’s article. It was very easy to follow and I found that the flow of reading the article was very fluid and easy to understand – thanks to her organization.

Final Impressions

I genuinely appreciated the feasibility of Izabel’s solution. The topic was general and easy to understand as the impact of the spreading of germs is something that the whole world had experienced. Moreover, to make her article more effective, I suggest that clarifying her primary audience would enable the article to be of more impact. Great job Izabel!!:)

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