2.2 LinkedIn Memo


To: All Stars, ENGL 301 writing team

From: Juanita Kwok, ENGL 301 student

Date: July 4, 2022

Subject: LinkedIn Best Practices Research Findings

Dear All Stars,

LinkedIn is a well-known social platform used by professionals to expand their network and search for new opportunities and learn about industry news. In order to utilize the channel effectively, here are 10 best practices for using LinkedIn:

  1. Add a professional headshot to your profile: This is a simple and effective way to make sure your profile is representative of you. Since this is the first impression that potential visitors to your profile will see, it is best to incorporate good lighting with a non-distracting background, business attire, and a clear quality (non-pixelated) photo.
  2. Create a captivating headline: The headline appears under your name and will be the first thing that people read. LinkedIn defaults to your job position and your current company but you are able to change this to make your profile stand out amongst the rest. This is also a great place to cater your profile to a target demographic/ industry.
  3. Write a summary of your profile: After the headline, there is lots of space to write a brief introduction to yourself including expanding on your relevant experiences, interests, and passions. This is a great opportunity to highlight your accomplishments, elaborate on your expertise, or even ask a question to your audience.
  4. Request recommendations to add to your profile: Similar to how you would read online reviews on your products before purchasing them, LinkedIn recommendations work in a similar fashion. Having previous managers or colleagues leave a detailed review will give your profile more credibility and can give further insight on your work ethic and personality.
  5. Highlight your experiences: In your profile, you can add previously held and current job titles and it will display the company logo and name next to it. This gives the viewer context on where you have worked previously, what your position was, how long you stayed at the company, and some of your main responsibilities. You can also add licenses and certifications to improve your credibility as well as degrees/diplomas to exemplify your educational background.
  6. Start building your network: With more connections on LinkedIn, there is higher visibility within your profile and relevant content on your home page. You get to see what other people you’re connected with are liking, sharing, and commenting on. This can also help form meaningful relationships that could lead to job opportunities down the road.
  7. Customize your invitation requests: When connecting with other professionals from various industries, it is helpful to provide a brief message that introduces yourself, outlines your reason for reaching out, and how you can have a mutually beneficial relationship from connecting.
  8. Apply to jobs directly: LinkedIn makes it very easy to apply to many jobs at once. Some have an “easy apply” feature which saves your information and sends your application directly to the employer. Focusing on recently posted job listings will increase your chances of hearing back.
  9. Follow companies and industries of interest: LinkedIn allows you to filter extensively and make advanced searches based on your interests. You can learn more about companies with a search and like their page to keep up to date on the latest news.
  10. Keep your page active: Once your profile is created and you make connections, keep your profile active by engaging with new content and commenting on other people’s posts. You can also join groups on LinkedIn that best suit your interests.

LinkedIn is an essential tool for a variety of audiences, such as recent graduates looking for their first job or people looking to make a career change. It offers plenty of job opportunities, insights, and industry news to keep you informed on what is happening in the marketplace for new talent. LinkedIn makes it easy to apply directly to your dream job while showcasing your professional background to individuals all over the world.


Works Cited

Stahl, Ashley. “5 Ways to Make Your Linkedin Profile Pop in 2022.” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 10 Feb. 2022, www.forbes.com/sites/ashleystahl/2022/02/09/5-ways-to-make-your-linkedin-profile-pop-in-2022/?sh=b0f5bf76124e. Accessed 4 July 2022.


Omoth, Tyler. “How to Make Your Linkedin Profile Stand Out.” TopResume, 7 Feb. 2022, www.topresume.com/career-advice/10-ways-to-create-a-winning-linkedin-profile. Accessed 4 July 2022.


“Top 10 Tips to Optimize Your Linkedin Profile.” Arrive, 13 July 2020, www.arrivein.com/career-ca/top-10-tips-to-optimize-your-linkedin-profile-for-job-search-in-canada/. Accessed 4 July 2022.


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