LinkedIn Best Practices Memo



To: ENGL 301 Writing Team
From: Dale Miller, ENGL Student
Date: July 4, 2022
Subject: Summary of LinkedIn Best Practices

The purpose of this memo is to summarize my research into best practices for networking on LinkedIn. I hope you find the following information useful.

  1. Complete Your Profile: Keeping your LinkedIn profile up to date and complete shows initiative and provides valuable information to potential employers, and also optimizes your page for LinkedIn’s search algorithm.
  2. Create a Good Summary: First impressions are everything, and a comprehensive and eye-catching summary could get someone to read further into the rest of your profile.
  3. Optimize Your Work Experience: Focus on tangible results, responsibilities and accomplishments.
  4. Get Endorsements: Asking for endorsements is a great way for you to leverage your existing network to increase your credibility.
  5. Connect with Others: By connecting with people both inside and outside your industry you will increase your network.
  6. Send Specific Messages: Sending personalized messages rather than generic ones will increase the chance of someone reading it.
  7. Post Relevant Content: By posting content that is relevant to your job field your profile will get more people reading it.
  8. Respond Promptly: If you are sending messages to new connections, make sure to check your inbox regularly and respond promptly.
  9. Get a Professional Headshot: People are visual and the first thing they notice in your profile is your photo.
  10. Remember it’s a Long Term Process: Networking takes time, so remember this when reaching out to new contacts. You never know when an opportunity will pop up.


LinkedIn can be a great resource for networking and job hunting, and I hope these tips will serve you well. Please let me know if you would like to discuss this further or have any questions.



“How to Network on LinkedIn – 7 Proven Tips for 2022,” Novo Resume, April 27, 2022

“How To Make The Best Use Of LinkedIn And Virtual Networking Opportunities” Forbes, Feb 19, 2021

“LinkedIn Etiquette and Best Practices [20 Do’s and Don’ts]” Top Dog Social Media, April 27, 2022

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