LinkedIn Memo

TO: Ethan Fung (Team member), Juanita Kwok (Team member) and Danae Echeverria (Team member)

From: Peter Yang, ENGL301 Student

CC: Ethan Fung (ENGL 301Team member), Juanita Kwok (ENGL 301 Team member) and Danae Echeverria (ENGL 301Team member) Matilda Murray (ENGL 301 Team Member).

DATE: June 22, 2022

SUBJECT: Best practices concerning professional networking on LinkedIn

 I have used online resources for my research on LinkedIn and here is a summary of the information I found.

  1.  Personal profile: Having a generic summary with details on skills, projects, interests, and certifications in relevant sections is crucial.
  2. Headshot: Smiling and showing most of your face in the frame is important.
  3. Summary: Having an informative summary is important.
  4. Be active: Reaching out to connections, asking for informational interviews, requesting referrals, commenting on content you come across, share content will help you get noticed.
  5. Follow companies and use job search filters: Following companies allow you to receive job alerts and give them the chance to contact you.
  6. Application: Being active and focusing on the most recent job postings is important.
  7. Join groups: Joining a LinkedIn account can help you get noticed and make meaningful connections with the industry you hope to join.
  8. Experience:  Including work experience that is relevant to your business or your projected career path is important.
  9. Engage with personal connections: Having personal connections on LinkedIn is important.
  10. Keeping: Keeping an updated profile allow more attention.

Indeed, having a LinkedIn account is both an amazing and important tool to use, for building personal connections. The topics discussed above are a summary of the research I did in regards to best practices concerning professional networking on LinkedIn.


Work Cited 

Arrive, Team. “Top 10 Tips to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile.” Arrive, 25 June 2022,

Balkhi, Syed. “How to Network on LinkedIn Like a Pro.” Business.Com, 29 June 2022,

Smulders, Stefan. “How to Network on LinkedIn – 10 Do’s and Don’ts for You to Consider.” Expandi, 30 June 2022,

LinkedIn Memo


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