Best Practices for LinkedIn – Rida

To: English 301 Writing Team

From: Rida Irshad, English 301 Student Writer

Date: July 5th, 2022

Subject: Summary of Best Practices for Using LinkedIn


The mission of LinkedIn is to connect professionals to enhance their productivity and success. LinkedIn is an interactive social networking site where people can message, share stories, blog, connect, update their credentials, and job search (Smith, 2021). Following is a list of 10 best practices for using LinkedIn.

  1. Profile Optimization: Include a professional picture, contact information and a professional summary of what you are looking for and why, this will help people make a personal connection with you.
  2. Skills and Endorsements: Indicate skills and ability to implement them. This will allow others to endorse your skills to increase credibility. Endorsing others will encourage them to do the same for you.
  3. Recommendations: Recommendations from professors, supervisors or co-workers are great sources of recommendations when searching for new opportunities.
  4. Joining Groups: One of the fastest ways to connect with relevant people to create mutually beneficial relationships is through groups (Smith, 2021).
  5. Summary of Industry Experience, Expertise, and Education: Expand on your skills listed on your resume, describe various experiences you have gained from your career so far. Include training and credentials in this area as well.
  6. Consistency: Make sure each section is filled out and up to date with your current job, skills, and other professional details.
  7. Right Connections: Connecting with the right people matters. When sending connection request, give a reason for the request such as networking or that you enjoy their blog.
  8. Blog: Use LinkedIn as a platform to get showcase your writing skills. This allows for more followers and connections.
  9. Share Content: Occasionally sharing content that will be of interest for your group, this will promote discussion.
  10. Volunteer Experience: This allows people to see your commitment to the community and specific causes that are meaningful to you in addition to your work ethic.

With these practices, you can enhance your LinkedIn profile and have insight on how to make better use of this platform to reach your goals.



Burm, M., (2021). The five most important things to include in your LinkedIn profile. Arizona State University. Accessed from: [Internet]

Shore, J., (2020). SmartBug: 17 LinkedIn Marketing Best Practices. Accessed from: [Internet]

Smith, S., (2021). Organizational Communication: LinkedIn: It’s Not Just for Job Searching and Networking. In SAGE Skills: Business. SAGE Publications, Inc., []

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