Formal Report Outline – Samantha Krieg

Outline: Improving Understanding of Waste Sorting at the University of British Columbia Okanagan

I. Introduction

  A. Background Information
  B. Purpose of the Report

1. Audience

2. Report Objectives

3. Proposed Initiatives

4.  Feasibility and Comparison Analysis

  C. Working Definitions
  D. Methods of Data Collection

1. Surveys

2. Informational Interview

3. Literature Review

4. Regulation, Standard, and Policy Review

  E. Scope
  F. Limitations
  G. Overview of the Analysis Conclusions

II. Collected Data

  A. Waste Stream Contamination on Campus

1. Overview of Waste Stream Contamination

2. Research Findings

3. Interpretation of Findings

  B. Feasibility of the Proposed Initiatives

1. Overview of Feasibility Analysis

2. Results

3. Interpretation of Results

C. Efficacy of the Proposed Initiatives

1. Overview of Comparison Analysis

2. Results

3. Interpretation of Results

III. Conclusion

  A. Summary of Analysis Results
  B. Overall Interpretation Analysis Results
  C. Recommendations to Improve the Understanding of Waste Sorting

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