LinkedIn Best Practices – Jessica


To: Jessica’s Team, ENGL 301 Writing Team
From: Jessica Barlescu, ENGL 301 Student
Date: July 5th 2022
Subject: Summary of Best Practices for LinkedIn

Below is a list of ten tips when using LinkedIn as a professional networking site.

  1. Use a professional headshot as a profile picture: This makes it easier for prospective contacts to recognize you.
  2. Include a background image: Make it something memorable or something that tells visitors on your profile more about who you are.
  3. Include an engaging professional summary: Include a summary that clearly illustrates your strengths and what makes you different from the rest of the competition.
  4. Remain active on LinkedIn: Remember to stay connected after creating your profile. Periodically login to answer any messages and make comments on relevant posts.
  5. Use a custom LinkedIn Profile URL: Customizing your URL to contain your first and last name will make it easier for recruiters to find your profile.
  6. Personalize your messages: Always include the name of the person you are addressing and remember to keep the tone friendly yet professional.
  7. Keep your profile public: Keeping your profile public lets you make connections faster as it allows recruiters to easily find you and gives them access to view your profile.
  8. Curate your network: Networks that become too big can take focus away from your initial goals. Limit your connections to like-minded and skilled individuals in industries that you are interested in.
  9. Make regular improvements: Regularly update your profile with new information about your job status, new skills you have attained, or any projects you have completed.
  10. Follow companies of interest to you: This lets you access any news updates, or recent job postings within the company.

These 10 practices can help LinkedIn users create a compelling profile and expand their network and connections. Thank you for taking the time to read this memo, and please let me know if you have any further questions.


Works Cited

Cox, Lindsay Kolowich. “How to Craft the Perfect LinkedIn Profile in 2022: 21 Easy Steps.” HubSpot, HubSpot, Inc., 17 Dec. 2021,

Schaffer, Neal. “21 LinkedIn Best Practices for Business Professionals to Follow for Success.” Neal Schaffer, 5 Sept. 2021,

“Top 10 Tips to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile for Job Search in Canada.” Arrive, RBC Ventures Inc., 13 July 2020,

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