LinkedIn Best Practices Memo (Jeemin Kim)


To: Jessica’s Team, ENGL 301 Writing Team
From: Jeemin Kim, ENGL 301 Student
Date: July 5, 2022
Subject: Summary of LinkedIn Best Practices

LinkedIn is an online service used to grow your professional network. Below is a summary of tips that will help you make better use of the platform.

  1. Including a profile photo that authentically represents you is crucial. Profiles with photos are 7 times more likely to be viewed (Student Services). Therefore, choosing a recent photo that looks professional and engaging to your audience is important.
  2. Including a headline with keywords that would resonate with your audience is helpful. Common headlines include your title/position/student status (Student Services).
  3. Creating a persuasive summary attracts attention. Along with the headline, your summary is weighted heavily in LinkedIn’s algorithm search. Therefore, including a compelling statement of yourself as well as your strengths (Student Services) is important.
  4. Listing your accomplishments can highlight your skills. The Experiences section could also be used as a portfolio where you could add relevant media, and thus more credibility to your profile (Student Services).
  5. Growing your network by synching your email address book is a great first step. This is one of the easiest ways to view suggestions of people you could connect with (Deehan).
  6. Using the UBC Alumni Search Tool (Student Services) is another way to expand your network.
  7. Using personalized connection requests is highly recommended. Rather than using the auto-generated connection request, craft a personal message that emphasizes why you want to connect with that person (Student Services).
  8. Requesting for recommendations is an important step in boosting your credibility. Recommendations are testimonials from your previous co-workers or superiors that highlight your skills and contributions. It is advised to email the individual before writing a formal request via LinkedIn (Student Services).
  9. Downloading the LinkedIn Students App to find jobs can be helpful. It is an app specifically made for students, so it serves as a resource for finding various career paths (Student Services).
  10. Sharing relevant content on your LinkedIn Feed is recommended. It is a way to take an active role in networking as what you post or share appears on your connections’ feed (Deehan).

I hope these tips give you some guidance on building a strong profile and expanding your professional network on LinkedIn.


Works Cited

“20 Steps to a Better Linkedin Profile in 2022.” LinkedIn,

“How to Make the Most of Linkedin.” Student Services, 24 Aug. 2021,

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