LinkedIn Best practices – Olivia Fournier

To: Writing Team, ENGL301

From: Olivia Fournier, ENGL301 Student

Date: July 8th, 2022

Subject: Summary of Top 10 LinkedIn Best Practices


Technology has become an integral part of the workplace and finding ways to embrace this change has been very important regarding career development. LinkedIn is a social networking site designed specifically for the business community. While it may be tricky to master, here are the top 10 best practices for improving your presence on the site.

  1. Create a comprehensive and thorough profile. This includes a profile picture, a brief introductory summary, and including relevant work and educational experience.
  2. Publish long-form content (and use it to your advantage). Thought leadership is important. Monitor relevant and recent topics to share opinions and open conversations.
  3. Showcase your passions. In today’s world, people want to know that there is a person behind the screen. Help them get to know you by posting as an individual, and not a corporation.
  4. Grow your Network. Connect with other users in the same field, have similar skills, or fellow alumni. This could open several doors for opportunity in the long run.
  5. Post Consistently, and on a Regular Schedule. Users are more likely to share your articles or information if they know there are more to come.
  6. Don’t be afraid to be BOLD. Highlight issues and subjects that interest you, especially topics you don’t see often.
  7. Focus on being relevant instead of viral. Long term success is more fruitful than short and fleeting fame.
  8. Engage and be active. Reciprocate when someone comments, encourage light debate, and interact with your favourite individuals.
  9. Spotlight the services you offer. Either as a business or as an individual.
  10. Have fun and stay present! This can be a hard one. It’s easy to fall into the doom and gloom of the online blackhole. Keep it light and make sure you are enjoying yourself too. People will see your happiness through the screen.


It can be daunting starting a new social media platform for yourself or your business. With these practices, it can make it easier to manage your newly formed profile and community.







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