Best Practices for LinkedIn – Izabel Lopez


To: Writing Team, ENGL301

From: Izabel Lopez, ENGL301 Student

Date: July 6th, 2022

Subject: Best Practices for LinkedIn

List of Practices using LinkedIn 

  1. Connecting with people at conferences, academic events, career fairs and other networking opportunities within 24 hours of meeting
  2. Sending a personalized message after connecting with someone 
  3. Following organizations and people who share similar goals and values
  4. Completing the LinkedIn profile with a quality photo
  5. Creating a custom URL
  6. Using keywords in the headline and summary to ensure visibility on recruiters and hiring managers 
  7. Utilizing LinkedIn Groups to discuss ideas and share industry news
  8. Giving and receiving recommendations and endorsements using established connections. Ask those in the established network to highlight the particular abilities/achievements that impressed them.
  9. Observing Professional Etiquette. Avoid posting personal material or gossip.
  10. Being honest on the profile. Avoid overselling the profile.  


Do the proper research on organizations and people who align with your values before networking events. Connect with people on LinkedIn within 24 hours after meeting them from networking events. Make an honest and concise LinkedIn profile. Ask for recommendations from your network that emphasize your strengths and achievements. Use the LinkedIn networking site professionally and respectfully.


  • the Mind Tools Content Team. (2022). How to use linkedin effectively: Getting the best from the world’s biggest networking site. Communication Skills From Retrieved July 6, 2022, from
  • Tuttle, C. F. (2022). LinkedIn best practices. LinkedIn Best Practices | UNC General Alumni Association. Retrieved July 6, 2022, from

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