Konstantin’s Progress Report


To: Erika Paterson, Professor of ENGL301 Technical Writing UBC

From: Konstantin Mestnikov, Student in ENGL301 Technical Writing UBC

Date: July 6, 2022

Subject: 301 Progress Report: Improvement of Graph View in TechNotes Database

Intended Audience

TechNotes CEO Braden MacDonald.

Purpose and Significance of Report

This report aims at finding better ways of decluttering graph view of noisy TechNotes database data by testing various visualization types with target audience. A better graph visualization would benefit TechNotes by providing an improved way of browsing and analyzing data leading to a better user experience.

Report Objectives

The objectives of this report are:

  • To find an appropriate graph decluttering technique to visualize the data specific to TechNotes database
  • To determine what information is readily understood when different graph visualization techniques are used
  • To provide recommendations to improve TechNotes’ graph view feature based on the findings

Research Plan

Please see below the steps that will be completed for this formal report:

  • Secondary research on possible graph visualization types
  • Design survey structure
  • Design specific survey questions and visuals for the survey
  • Determine methodology for analyzing collected data
  • Analyze collected survey data
  • Produce data visuals


The data will primarily be collected via an online survey targeted to the general population. Attached is the link to the survey questions: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_e9Eyko1k4T5ZQjQ

Formal Report Outline

Attached is the link to the formal report outline: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl30198a2022s12/2022/07/06/konstantins-formal-report-outline/

Writing Schedule

  • July 13: Complete survey questions and visuals.
  • July 14: Receive approval on full survey.
  • July 18: Write up of introduction and description sections: first draft of these sections will be done earlier as it does not require the gathered data.
  • July 20: Finish gathering data from the survey for the formal report: by this stage data analysis plan will be done and the analysis itself can start immediately after.
  • July 22: Complete formal report draft: the initial draft will combine write ups and data analysis so far.
  • July 29: Revise formal report draft according to peer review recommendations.
  • August 2: Complete formal report.

Please feel free to ask any questions concerning the report. Your time and insights for improving the report are appreciated.

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