Assignment 2:3 – Formal report progress MEMO Chris


To:  Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC

From:  Chris Jung, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC

Date:  July 8, 2022

Subject: 301 Formal Report Progress: Implementing an Electronic Queuing System for Popular Gym Equipment in Birdcoop Fitness Centre

As requested by assignment 2:3, here is an update on the progress of the formal report “Implementing an Electronic Queuing System in the UBC Birdcoop Fitness Centre”.

Purpose and Significance of Report: The purpose of this report is to provide recommendations for implementing an electronic queuing system for popular gym equipment using UBC cards to reduce users’ wasted time waiting for the gym and resolve conflicts caused by waiting in the gym.

Intended Audience:  Darren Stolz, Facility & Equipment Coordinator of UBC Recreation Centre.

Report Objective: The Objectives of this report are:

  • to identify difficulties caused by the traditional waiting system for gym equipment in the UBC Birdcoop Fitness Centre.
  • to resolve current problems caused by the traditional queuing system in the UBC Birdcoop Fitness Centre.
  • to provide feasible plans to implement an electronic queueing system using a UBC card in Birdcoop Fitness Centre.

Primary data sources will be collected via online survey targeted to users of UBC Birdcoop Fitness Centre. The survey that will be used to gather data in this research is attached below:

Secondary sources will be personal interviews with staff at UBC Birdcoop Fitness Centre, personal observation of the gym, and cost analysis.

Report Outline: In the attached link, you will find an outline of the Formal Report:

Outline of the Formal Report


 Research Plan: As part of my research, I need to complete the following eight tasks:

  • How the number of visitors to UBC Birdcoop Fitness Centre changed after COVID restriction was lifted
  • How many users have experienced difficulties related to the current waiting system of Birdcoop Fitness Centre
  • What kinds of gym equipment do the gym users have to wait frequently?
  • How much time is wasted in waiting for gym equipment at Birdcoop Fitness Centre?
  • How should the electronic queuing program for the gym operate?
  • What is the best way to install the hardwares required for an electronic queuing system using UBC cards
  • How much cost would approximately be required to implement the electronic queuing system?

Writing Schedule: Below is a detailed breakdown of my writing schedule :


Writing Schedule:

July 8

– Post a formal report outline on the team forum.

– A Progress Report for the Formal Report in the form of an email memo with URL links to surveys posted on the team forum.

July 9-July 12

Start conducting surveys with users of Birdcoop Fitness Centre

– Set a detailed plan to collect the secondary data sources and

July 13- July 16

Edit the survey questions after the instructor’s feedback if needed.

– Conduct interviews with staff of Birdcoop Fitness Centre

July 16- 19

–  Analyze survey data and interview result

– Write Draft for Transmittal letter

July 20-21

-Write draft of a formal report

– Find extra resources to support the arguments

July 22 

Submit a formal report draft.

July 23- July 26

-Revise formal report draft based on the instructor’s feedback.

July 27

-Peer Review of Formal Report Draft.

July 29- August 1

-Finalize formal report based on peer-review feedback.

Aug 2

Submit formal report.

Thank you for taking the time to review the progress report memo and formal report outline. Please contact me if any changes are needed.

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