Progress report memo


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor

From: Jessica Barlescu, ENGL 301 Student

Date: July 8th 2022

Subject: ENGL 301 Progress Report: Improved Ingredient and Allergen Labelling at UBC AMS Food Establishments

Audience Description
Mohan Vishwa, Senior Manager of Food & Beverage at the UBC AMS

Purpose of this Report

  • To provide effective recommendations on how the UBC AMS can implement improved food labelling practices.
  • To provide Mohan Vishwa, Senior Manager of Food & Beverage at the UBC AMS, with information regarding current UBC student’s experiences when purchasing food at the UBC Student Nest.

Significance of Report
The report provides an improved solution to students who struggle to find food products safe to ingest at the UBC AMS Student Nest.


Primary data will be surveys distributed among UBC students. Attached is the link to the survey questions used to gather data:

Secondary data will include journal articles about specific diets, allergens, and food labelling practices.

Research Plan

In order to analyze feasibility and provide effective recommendations, I plan to:

  • Identify the current problem with examples
  • Compose surveys
  • Research literature regarding diets, allergens, and food labelling practices
  • Data analysis on surveys
  • Produce visuals based on survey data

Formal Report Outline

Attached is the link to the outline of the formal report – Formal report outline

Writing Schedule

  • July 12th – Send out surveys
  • July 14th – Gather data on current labelling practices
  • July 15th to 17th – Research secondary data sources
  • July 19th – Analyze and summarize findings
  • July 22nd – Complete formal report draft
  • July 27th – August 2nd – Revise formal report based on peer review feedback

Thank you for taking the time for your review and professional insights that will help me improve on this report.

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