Progress Report Memo (Jeemin Kim)


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor
From: Jeemin Kim, ENGL 301 Student
Date: July 8, 2022
Subject: Progress report: Improving Bike Rental System App for Foreigners in Seoul

According to the instructions of lesson 2.3, I have posted my formal report outline for improving the Seoul Public Bike app for foreigners on my team forum (Jessica’s Team). Please review my memo detailing the progress of my formal report.

Purpose and Significance of Report

The purpose of the formal report is to provide recommendations on improving the user experience of the public bike rental system for foreigners in Seoul, South Korea. As South Korea becomes more globalized, there is a need to acknowledge the inconveniences that non-Korean speakers are facing every day and accommodate their needs.

Intended Audience

Head of Seoul Public Bike App Operation Team, Yang Jae-young

Report Objectives

  • To identify the issues regarding the user experience of the Seoul Public Bike app among non-Korean speakers and foreigners
  • To determine the feasibility of resolving issues including language availability and registration/payment system
  • To provide recommendations on improving the service


Primary data is collected via in-depth interviews with non-Korean speakers and foreigners residing in Seoul. Interviews are to be held online via Zoom or Google Meet. Attached is the document to the interview questions being used to gather data for this report:

301 Jeemin Kim Interview Questions

Secondary sources will include peer-reviewed journal articles on the Seoul Public Bike system and cases studies of payment systems used recently in the public and private sectors.

Formal Report Outline

Attached is the link to the outline of the formal report:

Formal Report Outline

Research Plan

These are the steps for writing the formal report:

  • Seek volunteers for in-depth interview
  • Revise interview questions according to feedback & confirm interview time and date
  • Secondary research on related services and business models
  • Data analysis on interviews
  • Produce visuals based on secondary research and interview data

Writing Schedule

  • July 9: Seek interview respondents, confirm interview appointment (online)
  • July 13: Revise interview questions
  • July 14-20: Conduct interview
  • July 20: Complete secondary research of journal articles and related services, create appropriate visuals
  • July 21: Analyze and summarize primary data, create appropriate visuals
  • July 22: Complete formal report draft
  • August 2: Complete formal report according to suggestions from peer review


Thank you for taking the time to review the progress report and formal report outline. Please let me know if any further changes are needed.

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