Progress Report Memorandum

Progress Report Memorandum

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL301 Professor
From: David Cheung, ENGL301 Student
Date: July 8, 2022
Subject: Progress on Report for Improving Methods of Theft Prevention at Costco Vancouver

  • audience for report: Angela Ignacio (assistant front end manager at Costco Vancouver)
  • purpose of report: Improving Methods of Theft Prevention at Costco Vancouver
  • significance of report: Two ethics from the Costco Code of ethics are take care of our members and reward our shareholders. Preventing theft will reward our shareholders by loss of sales or replacing a stolen flatbed. Costco can take care of its members by ensuring flatbeds are available to members at all times through preventing the loss of flatbeds.
  • research plan:
    • Problems: Non-members inflict losses on Costco. Demand for flatbeds outstripped supply over the Canada day long weekend due to a number of them being lost.
    • My primary data will come from the attached survey sent out to Costco staff.
    • My secondary research plans involve studying the Costco Employee Agreement and current procedure for the door staff.
    • Create graphics and find relevant images
  • writing schedule:

July 14-16:                  Have graphics for report finished, send out surveys

July 17-20:                  Write draft report

July 18-August 2         Complete report

Theft prevention survey

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