writing attitudes and memo to Evan Crisp

To: Evan Crisp, UBC Student

From: Peter Yang ENGL 301 student

Date: July 11, 2022

Subject: Tips for Writing Email Messages to Professors


Below is the requested memo regarding best practices in contacting professors seeking full enrollment. Below are some tips that might help you receive a reply from professors.


  1. Using:Using professional email i.e (UBC email)
  2. Including: Including the name and student number at the end of the email and subject line allows professors to respond accordingly.
  3. Avoiding: Avoid slang words or sound demanding as the goal is to sound friendly not demanding.
  4. Being: Being flexible and courteous and accommodating is most likely to elicit a positive response.
  5. Writing: Writing in a formal tone leaves a good impression for further correspondence
  6. Providing: Providing a valid reason for requesting a seat in the course
  7. Showing: Showing gratitude for the professor’s time shows an understanding of their limited time and appreciation for reading the email and drafting a reply.
  8. Greeting: Being respectful and ending with sincerity ensures that the email is polite and friendly in tone.
  9. Concluding: Conclude the email with P.S strengthen the email
  10. Introducing yourself will assist the professor in establishing the identity and purpose of the correspondence.


Because professors receive a massive number of emails every day they might not reply immediately or they might not rely at all on them, so it is best to follow the tips mentioned above. I hope these tips are helpful and if you have any questions, feel free to email me at peter97@student.ubc.ca.


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