Progress of Formal Report – Izabel


To:  Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC

From:  Izabel Lopez, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC

Date: July 9th, 2022

Subject: 301 Progress Report: Placement of Copper in Translink services in Vancouver


Purpose and Significance of Report

This report aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of copper as an anti-viral agent and provide recommendations on the best placement of copper on public transportation in Vancouver.

Intended Audience
  • Office of TransLink’s Safety & Emergency Management Department
Report Objectives

The objectives of this report are:

  • To demonstrate the effectiveness of copper in public transportation 
  • To provide recommendations on the best placement of copper on public transportation in Vancouver to minimize the spread of viruses 

Primary data collection through an online survey of UBC commuters. The link below is the survey questions being used to gather data for this report:

Secondary sources will include research articles demonstrating the effectiveness of copper as an anti-viral agent. 


Formal Report Outline

The link below is the outline for the formal report: 

Research Plan

To analyze the feasibility and provide practical recommendations, I plan to:
  • Identify what parts in the train and car UBC commuters commonly touch while taking public transit through a survey
  • Identify how copper works against COVID-19 and other viruses through research articles
  • Identify the effectiveness of copper against COVID-19 and other viruses through research articles
  • Data analysis on surveys
  • Produce visuals based on survey data
Writing Schedule

The attachment below is my writing schedule for July 2022:

301 Izabel Lopez Writing Schedule

Thank you for taking the time to read my progress and providing professional insight to improve this report.


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