Konstantin’s Letter of complaint

123 Wonderful Ave
Vancouver, BC

July 18, 2022


Anne Doe
Regional Manager
BetterMealKit Inc.
456 Food Ave
Vancouver, BC

Subject: Incomplete Food Deliveries

Dear Ms. Doe:

BetterMealKit has established itself as a solid provider of high-quality meal kits. For over a year I have been your customer and have enjoyed the diverse selection of foods and timely deliveries.

On June 12th, I was awaiting delivery as per my subscription which includes three 4-portion meals of my choice (which were Moroccan Stew, TexMex Quesadillas and Thai Peanut Noodles for that week), delivered between 5 pm to 7 pm every week on Tuesdays.

However, the delivery arrived much later at 11:00 pm and was missing the recipe and ingredients for 2 portions of the Thai Peanut Noodles meal. So, instead of 4 portions of the meal, I received only 2.

Since my meal plan is structured around my subscription and the delivery was too late for the dinner time, I had to buy and cook a different evening meal than expected very late in the day. Furthermore, the missing portions have not been delivered or reimbursed since.

Please let me know how I could get a refund for the missing meal portions. Also, please indicate if you have a voucher/promo code system in place to give out to your customers who received late deliveries of their orders.


Konstantin Mestnikov

Enclosure: BetterMealKit order receipt for June 15th delivery

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