Letter of Complaint – Rida

Rida Irshad, Home Buyer

123 Simpsons Drive

Edmonton, AB T6W 4H5

July 18th, 2022


Ms, Taylor Rae, Customer Support

City Home Builders

567 Main Street

Edmonton, AB T5K 6H7


Dear Ms Taylor,

I hope you are doing well and enjoying your summer.

I purchased a home from City Builders last winter and am in the process of getting everything ready for the summer with our house. I am writing this letter to inform you that I have been waiting for my lot grading to be completed by City Homes so we can get our inspection completed from the city and start work on our yard. I was informed that the request had been submitted to the city just over a month ago, however, after waiting over 4 weeks for an inspection report, I called the city of Edmonton for a follow up only to discover that the request for lot grading inspection was never submitted.

This is not the first time we have had miscommunication issues, delayed responses or lack of professionalism when booking appointments to have outstanding work completed with the purchase of our new home.

This delay with our home inspection regarding lot grading is becoming a bigger issue for a few reasons:

  • There are only a few weeks of summer left before its too cold to do any yard work
  • As we are in the busy season of yard work, it is becoming harder to find landscaping companies to complete the work in time
  • As you are aware, there is a deposit of $2500 that is on hold by City Homes to ensure that homeowners indeed complete all requirements set by the developer

I would really appreciate a prompt response and an update on the progress of lot grading. In addition to that I would appreciate if you can ask for an extension for the deadline to be moved up to next summer for us to get our deposit back in full. Since the delay is from the builder’s side, I am requesting that this matter be discussed with the developer by the builder on our behalf.

Thank you,

Rida Irshad

Encl. attachment of email from the City of Edmonton

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