Letter #2 (Bad News Letter) – Anushka

Singapore Airlines Service Centre
2 Orchard Turn
#04-05 ION Orchard
Singapore 238801

28th July 2022

5000 Student Union Blvd,
Vancouver, BC V6T1Z1

Subject: RE: Charged cancellation fees

Dear Ms. Nair,

Thank you for contacting us regarding the issues you are facing with the cancellation fees. We understand your frustration.

In our effort to help our customers during the COVID-19 pandemic, Singapore Airlines does have a temporary policy that waives cancellation fees for flights booked before August 1st, 2022. However, this is only applicable to flights booked from Asia, Europe and the United States, which is stated in the terms and conditions that are signed when flights are booked.

However, because our customer service representative did not inform you of this condition, we want to offer you a one-time partial refund of USD 100 either as credit, which can be used in the future while booking, or back to the credit card used during initial payment. Please note that a refund to a credit card could take up to 60 days to reflect on your account.

Please let us know which refund method you would like to go ahead with and feel free to contact us regarding any further questions or concerns.


Singapore Airlines

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