Self-Editing and Reflection Blogs

Good Monday 301

I want to give you a few tips for self-editing your definition assignment and writing your first Reflection Blog. Here is an excellent example of a previous student’s first Reflection blog and should provide you with a clear idea of what is expected. Note, this example has had the url to the student’s self-edited definition assignment removed, your blog will of course include a link to your revised definition assignment.

You should make a new post and name it “Revised Definition Assignment’ and post on your Team Forum page. Follow the suggestions in your Peer Review and study the writing tips on the Instructor’s Blog. Here is a list of common errors to check when you are self-editing:

  • Too many pronouns: avoid pronouns
  • Too many unnecessary words: focus on conciseness and clarity 
  • Missing details; use nouns and include necessary details
  • Over use of ‘it’ – avoid using ‘it’ and never end a sentence with a two-letter word: ‘it’, ‘is’, ‘on’, ‘at’, ‘in’

Be sure to link the ‘Revised Definition’ at the end of your Reflection Blog.


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