Peer Review Definitions Assignment: Izabel

Name of the Reviewer:  Olivia Fournier

Author’s Name: Izabel Lopez

Title of the Expanded Definition: “Machine Learning”



As someone who does not know much at all about computer science, I certainly found your work to have taught me more about this field. Other than the “algorithm” that we hear so much about, machine learning is quite the foreign concept among most individuals. Reading through your work helped me to understand the concepts behind machine learning and how it came to be what we know today.


The purpose of this assignment was very well executed. I understand not only what machine learning is, but also the origins of the term and how it is used in everyday life. I liked how this term was expanded upon in the expanded definition, but the parenthetical definition was well done too, indicating a high level of understanding of the subject.



I found this assignment to be well suited for the audience it was addressing. As someone who does not know much about computer science and artificial intelligence, this term was daunting at the beginning, however, as it was explained I became more comfortable to reading further. Very well done!


First, the picture as a reference to where we’ve seen this sort of AI before was a very smart addition to this piece. The paragraphs were structured well and in a logical manner.


Where it gets confusing is in the second paragraph of the expanded definition where the author goes more in-depth into machine learning and how it is done. The word “model” is not well described, so the reader cannot visualize what the author is referring to.


The use of examples at the end of that second paragraph does clear things up, but some further definitions would be beneficial.




The methods of expansion used are:

  • How does it work?
  • History
  • How is it used or applied?
  • What are its parts?

These expansion techniques worked well for the word being defined. It included the information that would be needed to learn and explained this term to someone else.


I would have preferred to have perhaps a visual guide for how the information is passed along or processed to become data that is used in machine learning. It is explained in the assignment, however it can be difficult to understand just with words.



Final Impressions

Very well done! I enjoyed learning about a concept I am faced with every day but did not know anything about! You know your work and passions very well.


There are a couple changes that I would suggest, such as further expanding on what a “model” is in this context, as well as perhaps providing a sort of visual for the processing of data in machine learning. All are small changes. Great work with the references, I find it very clean and neat when they are done in this way.




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