Peer Review of Benson’s Definition

To Benson Lin

From: Chris Jung

Peer Review / Term: Abstraction

I appreciated that you submitted a well-written definition assignment for ENGL 301 lesson 1.3.  Please check the below document with my review of your assignment and suggestions for improvement.

First Impressions:

 This assignment is concise and easy to understand with appropriate visuals.  However, it would be even better for targeted readers if there are examples of abstraction used in software engineering or computer science to support the main objective of the assignment.


  • The target audience such as theri level of the background knowledge about the topic is not specified.
  •  The introduction and elaboration on the term using different methods of definitions are organized.
  • The proper separation between paragraphs and topics made the assignment easier to read.
  • The two visuals need a proper citation – please refer to the textbook example for proper placement.
  • The document ends abruptly, maybe a short concluding or summarizing passage would help users remind what they learned from the article


  • The parenthetical definition requires an easy meaning of the term inside parenthesis.
  • The comparison of the same term used in different fields helps readers to better understand the general meaning of the term.
  • Overall, the expression is well-balanced in a way that it is easy to understand and the tone is professional at the same time.


  • The document has complete content following the assignment requirements; it includes
    • A detailed introduction
    • Three forms of definition
    • Four types of expansion
    • A visual
    • A works cited list


  •  The visual itself is very appropriate and helps readers understand the document better. However, the titles of them would be better put right below the pictures and readers may find it easier to read if they were put right above the content explaining the London Underground Map.

 Works Cited List:

  •  Works cited list is correctly made.

Grammar and Typos:

  • The grammar of the document overall is perfect and there are typos.

 Concluding Comments:

The definition is very easy and entertaining to read because they are well formatted and concise. At the same time, it has enough information for readers to grasp the idea of the term. A small modification of the visuals would increase the readability and more examples of the term focused on the main objective would add more clarity to the technical meaning for the readers. The following edition will help you improve the document:

  • Setting a specific target reader is recommended.
  • An adjustment of the positions of the visuals is desired
  • Correction of parenthetical definition is needed
  • More elaboration on the main objective of the document will help readers the technical meaning of the term.
  • Conclusion or summary of the document will help readers to finish the reading

Thank you for reading my feedback and if you have any questions please reach me. It was nice to review this well-written document. I hope this helps you improve your work.

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