Peer Review of Definition: Time Complexity

Name of the Reviewer: Tianxiang Deng

Authors Name: Chris Jung

Title of the Expanded Definition: Time Complexity

First Impression: 

Upon reading the definitions by Chris, the concept is concisely detailed with informative examples. I believe the audience can easily comprehend the term “Time Complexity” after reading your expanded definitions. Additionally, I would ask for possible minor changes for better readability (spacing), more concise examples and its significance related to real life.

Comment about Purpose:

The purpose is clearly defined with a specific target group. The definitions and examples contribute to the overall purpose.

Comments about Organization:

The overall organization is constructed nicely, yet in the ‘Expanded Definition’ section, I would suggest having more spacing and possibly reducing the usage of long numbers such as “(= 1 + 2 + … + 8 + 9)” and “O(n), O (2)” denotations, as they can sometimes appear to add on technical jargons for general audiences.

Comments about Audiences:

I am familiar with the term, and the information given is accurate and easy to understand. I also believe that the author’s work is suitable for the intended audience.

Briefly describe any changes you would suggest.

The example given in the extended definition is particularly clear, yet, I would suggest that you could make it more concise for better readability. With your analysis of each instruction, I think it would feel smoother if you could incorporate ‘figure 2’ into your explanation, so non-technical readers can have visual references of each type for better clarity.

What is the most effective element of this document and why?

The most effective element of this document is the author’s ability to convey complex terms with ease and simplicity.

Comment about visuals: are the visuals useful and correctly labelled? 

The visual aid is appropriate for non-technical readers, especially the one that states the different types of complexity.

Works Cited:

The work citation list is credible, including a variety of sources. Yet, it needs to be arranged in alphabetical order.

Additional Comments: 

Your definitions are informative and easy to comprehend. And I hope my suggestions can be helpful.

Let me know if you have any additional questions.

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