Peer Review Definitions Assignments – Hanul

Name of the Reviewer:  Andrew Seo

Author’s Name: Hanul Seo

Title of the Expanded Definition: “Attachment Styles”


With little background in the field of psychology, I was interested to learn about how our early attachments effect us in our later developed lives. I was able to find myself identifying certain behavioural patterns with various attachment styles and later engaged in an online quiz that helped define my attachment style.



The purpose of this assignment was clear and concise. I now understand what attachment theory is, as well as the various different styles associated with this theory and how these various styles results from different parenting patterns. I appreciated how the definition made me want to extend my learning and research more about what attachment style is, and how it contributes to my life.


Considering that this definition motivated me to do outside research, I would say that this assignment was extremely successful in engaging with the audience. It was very clear and the goal of the assignment was easy to depict.


The changes I would suggest to this definition assignment would be to add more examples to add a generalizability for the audience to connect with. By adding examples, individuals who are not as familiar with attachment styles will be able to related to these real life examples, and comprehend the concept more efficiently.


The methods of expansion used are:

  • What is Attachment Style?
  • What are the characteristics of various different Attachment Styles
  • Why is time Attachment Style important?

The ways these were organized created an easy to understand guideline for understanding attachment style/theory better. By including the 4 different classifications after the introduction of the extended definition was a clever way to introduce the audience to a simpler concept. The explanation of the 4 different styles following this was easier to understand as the audience was introduced to the topic previously.


Final Impressions

Very impressed with how engaging this definition was! It made me want to learn more about the concept and allowed me to learn something new. Excellent!

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