Jo Hempelmann Peer Review for Hanul Seo

Name of Reviewer: Jo Hempelmann

Author’s Name: Hanul Seo

Title of Expanded Definition: Attachment Styles

I fully understood the definition of the term upon reading it. I am also a psych major, so I’m familiar with attachment styles, and I can say with confidence that this is a more efficient explanation of the concept than I’ve received in some psych courses!
I felt I received ample information in the definition. The layout was comprehensive and made complete sense, and I appreciated the visual aids.

I have no questions about the content of the definition — it is presented clearly and effectively, and I feel I have a well-rounded understanding of the concepts on display.

If I were the project supervisor, I would absolutely approve this definition with no revisions.

The purpose of the definition is very well-defined. Attachment styles are a core concept in the field of psychology, and it is a complex framework for understanding human interaction. A surface-level understanding of such a concept is valuable to anyone, whether they are familiar with the field or not. This definition unquestionably presents a clear explanation of the term.

As a fellow psych major, I am intimately familiar with the concept of attachment styles. I can absolutely confirm that this definition is accurately presented.

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