Email Memo – Olivia Fournier

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENG301 Professor
From: Olivia Fournier, ENG 301 Student
Date: June 22nd, 2022
Subject: Formal Report Proposal Posting

Greetings Dr. Paterson,
I am sending this short memo to inform you of my formal report proposal which is have just posted on our team page. My report will focus on some of the subsidized dental care programs in Ontario and their efficacy according to the individuals participating in these programs. The programs I will be looking at are the Healthy Smiles Ontario program, the non-insured health benefits program, Ontario disability program, and the Ontario seniors dental care program; as they are the most commonly used by patients at my practice.

I will be looking at 4 areas in particular:
– Ease of the application process.
– Use of the program for restorative and preventative work.
– Knowledge of the program.
– If the program provides enough for their dental needs.

This report will be provided to representatives of the Liberal and NDP coalition in the federal government as they begin to move forwards with their plan to implement a universal dental program for individuals in low-income households or without adequate insurance. Hopefully this report will help them to create their program to suit the many needs of the public.

I will be using information from interviews and questionaries given to individuals in these groups, as well as information from dentists I work with and literature found on the internet.

I am excited to hear your feedback, as well as from the peer review within my team. Attached to this email is a copy of my formal report proposal for your convenience.


Formal Report Proposal Olivia

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