Matilda’s Proposal

To: Erika Paterson, Professor

From: Matilda Murray, Student

Date: 20th June 2022

Subject: Proposal to attract clientele to the King’s Arms


The King’s Arms is a pub in the London Borough of Fulham. Before the Covid 19 Pandemic, the King’s Arms was a popular and bustling Pub that opened at 11 am and closed at 11 pm. Its busiest times were from 5 pm to closing as people who had just finished work would stop by for a few drinks with their colleagues. The pub boasts an excellent location nestled between several offices, near Putney Bridge Station and close to several other pubs and bars. The pub is also within walking distance of Craven Cottage, Fulham Football Club’s stadium, meaning that the pub is overflowing with football fans on match days.

The pandemic has meant that there have been no football matches, and office workers have been forced to work from home, meaning there has been very little clientele. Covid restrictions in the UK have been lifted. However, not as many people are attending football matches due to expenses and fears of catching covid. Moreover, most nearby offices have chosen to be permanently remote or instil a hybrid system as it is cheaper than maintaining an office space.

This report will be presented to the executive team of Wadworth Brewery. The Brewery owns The King’s Arms and over 150 pubs in Southwest England. The Brewery must approve all major decisions regarding the King’s Arms.

Statement of the Problem:

The pandemic was a significant setback for the pub; they were not allowed to open due to lockdown measures. Once reopened, they were forced to operate at a reduced capacity. Furthermore, the office workers worked from home, and football matches were often cancelled or had minimum attendance. Many other sporting events were also cancelled, meaning there was nothing for the pub to televise to attract customers. With the lifting of restrictions, many pubs and bars have begun to flourish. However, the King’s Arms is still struggling due to a lack of clientele. The pub now hosts football fans again but still has limited office workers visiting, which is where it gains most of its income. Two years of making approximately 1/3 of their original income are starting to take its toll on the pub. The King’s Arms is owned by Wadworth brewery, which has been helping keep the pub afloat during these trying times; however, if this current trend of limited customers continues, the Brewery will have no choice but to close or sell the pub.

Proposed Solution:

A possible solution is to remodel the pub. The nearby pubs doing exceedingly well, like The White Horse and The Golden Lion, have nice outdoor areas for people to sit in and smoke. The pubs’ outdoor seating area tends to attract a younger crowd, most of whom are under 30. According to statistics, Fulham boasts 32% more 20-29-year-olds than the regional average (The Move Market), meaning that the King’s Arms should aim to cater to this age group. Remodelling the pub to allow for more outdoor seating will attract younger customers, bringing in more revenue.


To determine the feasibility of remodelling the King’s Arms, I will investigate these five elements:

  1. What do our current customers want
  2. What draws customers to other more popular pubs
  3. The cost of remodelling
  4. The demographics of the area, e.g. average income, age
  5. Can other changes be implemented, such as changing the food or drinks menu


I will utilise questionnaires to gain an understanding of what Pub clients are looking for. Furthermore, I intend to interview customers and the bar staff at the King’s Arms as staff are often very informed on what kind of customers come in and their complaints. I will also conduct observations of other pubs in the area to gain a better understanding of what makes them so popular. Furthermore, I will use secondary sources from government census records to better understand Fulham’s demographic and the King’s Arm’s potential customers.

My Qualifications:

I have been a barmaid at the King’s Arms for three years, working my way up to Bar Supervisor. I have spent a significant proportion of my life living in Fulham, and being in my 20s, I also fall into the same demographic as the customers one hopes to attract. The combination of my abovementioned qualifications means that I am in a great position to offer suggestions for attracting customers.


The Covid 19 pandemic has hit the King’s Arms hard, causing a loss of customers and a significant decrease in revenue. By investigating what customers want, then we can take action. The king’s Arms must adapt to the changing times and become more alluring to a different set of customers. Only through the customers can the King’s Arms avoid closing down and once again become a significant source of revenue for Wadworth Brewery.

Cited Works:

How old are the people living in Hammersmith and Fulham 007D – Addison, Hammersmith and Fulham? The Move Market. (n.d.). Retrieved June 21, 2022, from 

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