Formal Report Email Memo – Hanul Seo

To: Dr. Erika Paterson
From: Hanul Seo
Date: June 22nd, 2022
Subject: Formal Report Proposal for Implementing a Subsidized Program that Gives Low SES At-Risk Youth Free Mental Health Resources

Hello Dr. Paterson,
I hope this email finds you well.

To evaluate the achievability of providing a subsidized program for mental health resources for youth at risk, my research proposal contains the following:

Audience Description – Intended for the Minister of Child and Family Services in BC – more specifically, the Honourable Mitzi Dean

Introduction of Topic – this proposal strives to create a subsidized program which provides mental health services to disadvantaged youth within B.C.

Statement of Problem – Various studies have depicted how youth of lower SES (socio-economic status) may be at more risk due to their lack of resources. Mental health is one area that highlights this discrepancy

Proposed Solutions – acknowledge the hardship of at risk youth, and provide resources to ensure healthy development by developing a subsidized program that gives low SES at-risk youth free mental health resources

Scope of Questions – How many children from ages 12-18 have a background of low SES (SES: socio-economic-status)? What other resources are there for at risk youth within the lower mainland? What is the current research at risk youth and the correlation to their SES. What are the resources needed to implement a subsidized program for mental health resources for youth at risk?

Methods – The forms of primary sources will be a survey of employees who work with troubled youth to gather more information regarding SES and the correlation to children’s mental health. For secondary sources – an analysis of the demographics within B.C. via SatisticsCanada, as well as various other academic publication and studies will be implemented.

My Qualifications – My B.A. degree in psychology – specialized in developmental psychology allows me to have extensive knowledge regarding the need for help when it comes to troubled youth. Additionally, my professional experience as a project manager gives me the tools to be able to assess the coordination of how this program should be implemented.

Conclusion – Summarizes the need for implementing a subsidized mental health program to low SES (socio-economic status) at risk youth.

An attachment of a copy of my Formal Report Proposal has also been added for your reference.

I look forward to hearing your feedback.


Formal Report Proposal – Hanul Seo

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