Peer Review of Jeemin’s Formal Report Proposal – Samantha Krieg

To: Ms. Jeemin Kim, ENGL 301 Student

From: Ms. Samantha Krieg, ENGL 301 Student

Peer Review / Formal Report Proposal: Improving Bike Rental System App for Foreigners in Seoul

I enjoyed reading your formal report proposal submission for lesson 2:1. Thank you for your hard work. Please consider the following suggestions to help improve the next draft of the proposal and the formal report.

First Impressions:

Overall, the proposal was well written, and only minor improvements are needed. The topic of “Improving Bike Rental System App for Foreigners in Seoul” is quite interesting, and I can empathize with the challenges foreigners experience when attempting to use the app.


  • The formatting of the proposal is excellent.
  • The content is organized logically and flows well.
  • The introduction effectively communicates the proposal’s topic and goal to make the app more user-friendly.
  • The conclusion is too short and does not summarize all the content, giving the document an abrupt ending.
    • Elaborate on why it is important to acknowledge the needs of non-Korean speakers in Seoul and incorporate other languages.
    • Summarize your inquiry into the app’s payment and verification systems.


  • The tone of the proposal is professional, and the objective is easily understood.
    • This is the most effective part of the proposal.
  • More persuasive language is required in the ‘Statement of Problem’ and ‘Proposed Solution’ sections.
    • Be confident and explicitly identify the benefits of solving the problem for the recipient to motivate them to act.


  • The proposal is understandable and easy to follow, and there is no use of overly technical language.
  • There is no audience identified in the proposal.
    • This section is in greatest need of improvement, the audience is crucial in determining the level of detail, tone, and language required.
  • No analysis type is identified in the ‘Methods’ section.
    • Please review the ‘Formal Analytical Report’ chapter of the textbook for more information on types of analysis.
  • The scope is well defined, and the areas of inquiry identified are clear.
  • The areas of inquiry are relevant and will be effective in determining the feasibility of improving the Seoul Public Bike Service for foreigners.
  • The ‘My Qualifications’ section is vague.
    • Please add more detail to convince the audience of your merit.
  • The use of a survey, interviews of non-Korean speaking people in Seoul, and public data as primary sources is appropriate for the report.
  • Using peer-reviewed journal articles and case studies secondary data collection methods will complement the primary sources.

Works Cited:

  • There were no works cited in the document.
    • Referencing data sources in the ‘Methods’ section would add credibility to the proposal, helping the recipient evaluate it.

Grammar and Typos:

  • There is one minor spelling error in the introduction:
    • Un-manned does not need a hyphen
  • The following sections have grammar mistakes:
    • Statement of Problem:
      • “However, the app that is used to rent the bikes is extremely difficult to use for non-Korean speakers.”
      • The app currently offers an option for foreign tourists, but the rates are different, and the app is only partially translated into to English.
    • Methods:
      • Seoul Public Bike system and cases studies of recent payment systems used recently in the public and private sectors.
    • Conclusion:
      • As South Korea becomes more globalized, there is a need to acknowledge the inconveniences that non-Korean speakers are facing every day face daily and accommodate to their needs.
    • Edit the document to be clearer and more concise, for example:
      • “The city says that a large number of users are using these bikes during rush hour, especially as an alternative to crowded subways or buses ever since the pandemic.”
        • Since the pandemic, the city has reported increased bike use during rush hour. Many users consider bike rentals a welcome alternative to crowded subways and buses.

Concluding Comments:

Overall, the proposal was interesting, readable, and professional. I enjoyed reading it and look forward to the formal report. If I were your supervisor or your editor, I would request some minor revisions to the proposal before approval, including:

  • Expand the conclusion to summarize the entire document and elaborate on why it is important to acknowledge the needs of non-Korean speakers in Seoul.
  • Use more persuasive language when discussing the problem and proposing solutions to motivate the reader.
  • Identify the audience and analysis type.
  • Elaborate on your qualifications to convince the reader of your capabilities.
  • Fix the spelling mistake in the introduction.
  • Make the recommended grammar changes to the ‘Statement of Problem,’ ‘Methods,’ and ‘Conclusion’ sections.
  • Review the document for clarity and re-write wordy sentences to be more concise.

Thank you for your excellent formal report proposal submission. I hope that these suggestions help you to improve future versions. Please feel free to reach out should you have any questions.

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