Hanul Seo – Peer Review By Olivia

Olivia Fournier

Author’s Name: Hanul Seo

Formal Report Proposal: Implementing Financed Mental Health Program for Youth in British Columbia


In this assignment, our task was to create a formal report proposal about a topic we are passionate about, and to analyze any problems within that industry. It can be from work, school, volunteering, or simply an area of interest. This topic will have to be specific enough to be able to write a cohesive and insightful report.


The purpose of this formal report proposal is quite clear; the youth of BC should be able to access a safe and effective mental health program. The need for this program is made clear by the prevalence of mental illness in the youth population today, as well as the rising suicide rate getting younger and younger.  This is well described in this proposal, as Hanul uses effective and relevant references to prove his point regarding the need to help these children. The problem is stated clearly, and the proposed solution of a free/subsidized program sounds amazing. My one concern would be regarding where the extra help would be coming from. The mental health system across Canada is already very hard to access due to the amount of need. I was wondering if you would be willing to look at a training course or a collaboration with local colleges or universities to employ psychology/counselling students for help in this field.


The audience being the minister of child and family services is a great addition. This would be the most effective individual to approach in the “real world”. The child and family services minister would be a great resource and informant regarding what is currently being done and what has been requested to be changed in the past. Well done reaching your audience!


My main change would be finding a way to make this program more manageable as the psychiatric/counselling area across Canada is already overburdened with individuals needed help. Looking at schools, students in the field, as well as volunteers would help to make this program more efficient and accessible to more youths. It can be very difficult to create a program that is thorough to help all youths but making it as comprehensive as possible will create the best opportunity for success.


Very well organized. Great flow of information and good job keeping the info relevant and concise. Great job looking into the reasons why youths are struggling as well as the outside influences such as the media for extra explanation into why this endeavor is so crucial.

Final Impressions

Reading your report proposal, I could tell that Hanul was very well versed in this field, and the list of qualifications confirm this for me. I would have no issue trusting Hanul to do further work in this field. This proposal was very thorough and even as an outsider I feel better informed regarding the situation and the need for help. Very well done!

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