Peer Review of Samantha’s Formal Report Proposal

Peer review: Formal Report Proposal

To: Samantha Teeple

From: Lovin Kahlon

Date: June 29, 2022

Title of Formal Report Proposal: Missing

Thank you for submitting the formal report proposal assignment 2:1. You have done a good job highlighting the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and pain among dental personnel. Following are some recommendations for further improving this proposal:

First Impressions:

  • The proposal is well-written with insightful content.
  • Proposal provides an interesting read and outlines most of the assignment requirements.
  • The proposal is perfect for a comprehensive literature review because of your background as a dental hygienist.
  • One area of improvement will be to add the title of the report along with the name of the professor, author, and the date proposal is submitted.


  • The introduction provides an excellent overview.
  • The font size and spacing are accurate.
  • In addition to being easy to read and follow, the proposal is clear and concise.
  • Identify the audience so the reader understands who the formal report is addressed to and whether the audience has the authority to act on recommendations.


  • In the introduction, the prevalence and risk of musculoskeletal disorders and pain in dental personnel are clearly explained.
  • Expand on dental personnel who are at higher risk of MSD’s.
  • It may be necessary to provide background information about ergonomics depending on the target audience.

Statement of the Problem:

  • States the implications of musculoskeletal disorders in the workplace well, great job.

Proposed Solution:

  • Good description of the possible solutions and the ways they can lead to improved conditions is provided.
  • Great job providing realistic and multiple strategic options to implement ergonomics.


  • Indicate specific areas of investigation for the feasibility study under the heading “Scope”. Refer to the example on pages 538-539 in the textbook for detailed information.


  • Well-planned, reasonable, and time-bound approach is taken for collecting primary (survey, interviews, onsite observations) and secondary (academic articles) data. Well done!
  • Great job indicating the use of level 1 evidence in the form of meta-analysis in the secondary source of data collection.
  • Be sure to align the collected data with specific areas of investigation once formulated.


  • Credibility can be enhanced by adding research qualifications – a student at the University of British Columbia.


  • Align conclusion with the proposed solution i.e., how to prevent early onset of MSD by implementing ergonomic interventions (proposed solution) Vs Clear identification of individual problem areas for MSDs to dental staff (current conclusion). If the solution is to implement ergonomic interventions then the conclusion will be how the implementation will help and how it can be done?

Grammar and Technical Errors:

Please refer to the following in regards to minor grammatical errors:


  • Consider rephrasing “ I have been well trained in my dental hygiene schooling to complete proper research” to “My dental hygiene training has equipped me with the necessary skills to conduct comprehensive research” to add a professional tone.
  • No typos are noticed in the proposal, well done.

Final Remarks and Revisions:

The suggested revisions in the review will improve the overall quality of the document.

  • Add the title of the formal proposal.
  • Include front matter.
  • Add audience description.
  • Expand on dental personnel.
  • Indicate specific areas of investigation under “Scope”.
  • Edit to use a professional tone.
  • Add research qualification.
  • Reformat conclusion to align with the proposed solution.

Thank you for your hard work and for providing me with an opportunity to peer review your proposal. I hope my recommendations are helpful to you.


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