Peer Review Assignment 2.1 Formal Report Lovin

Thank you for submitting this proposal for integrating ultrasonic scaling at a pediatric dental practice in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This is a good basis for determining the need for the integration of ultrasonic scalers to facilitate healthy pediatric mouths.

First Impression:

Addressing the unmet needs of pediatric dental clients with strains fiscally to the practice and musculoskeletal concerns to clinicians.

  • Well-organized formal report proposal.
  • Proposal depicts audience, problem and solution as per assignment 2.1 requirements.
  • Qualifications are well suited to research this problem and draw appropriate conclusions.


The proposal is well formated with appropriate headings with enough description under each that is concise and carefully written.


The introduction depicts the background of the proposal and clearly outlines the problem.

  • Expansion of the proposal’s purpose to the associated benefits of implementing ultrasonic technology as mentioned later such as musculoskeletal concerns to clinicians, ease of procedure to clients, and scheduling consistencies.

Statement of Problem:

Well-written problem statement with rationale for why each problem matters.

  • Recommendation to address why introducing ultrasonics benefits these problems to the layman staff (owners, managers) of the pediatric dental practice indicated in the audience description and why a change after 15 years is necessary.

Proposed Solution:

This section includes the benefits of ultrasonic scaling on the outlined problems.

  • Identifying the hardware procurement, installation, and training needs of the ultrasonic devices for clinicians, with training needs for the front staff on new scheduling requirements.


The seven areas of inquiry are curated to address the full scope of feasibility in the inclusion of ultrasonic scaling.


The selection of primary methods of research including interviews and surveys along with secondary data selection from a literature review will provide good evidence in the investigation of the areas of inquiry.

Grammar/Technical Errors:

Slight grammatical errors were noted with some wordy sentences check for fluidity and ease of reading.


Please note the suggested revisions in this review that will improve the quality:

  • Expand the proposal’s purpose to include the associated benefits of incorporating ultrasonic technology.
  • How ultrasonic technology inclusion benefits the outlined problems to the identified audience.
  • Inclusion of hardware, maintenance and installation of equipment, and training needed for staff and clinicians in the proposed solution.
  • Check the wording of sentences for conciseness and flow of reading.
  • Fix minor grammatical errors

Thank you for allowing me to review your proposal and please feel free to contact me with questions. Great work!

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