Leif Jack’s LinkedIn Memo

To: ENGL 301 Writing Team

From: Leif Jack, Writing Team Member

Date: July 5th, 2022

Subject: LinkedIn Networking Strategies

Hello fellow writing team members,

As requested, I researched effective strategies for LinkedIn networking, and have summarized them below.

My research’s highlights include:

  • Clear goal: Your networking strategy should be specific and measurable, both with how many connections you want to make and with whom.
  • Don’t just create, join: Searching people/companies on LinkedIn works, but like any social media, LinkedIn has joinable groups to easily meet your desired people
  • Post content:  Making LinkedIn posts puts you out there. Share funny/inspirational career stories, or give tips you’ve learned.
  • Make offers about them: Make sure the person you want to connect with knows what you offer in common interests, goals, or unique skills.
  • Specific messages: Make messages to new people memorable and engaging.  Lack of specificity feels insincere.
  • Leverage your current network: Where possible, introduce yourself by mentioning a mutual contact.

Please let me know if you would like a more detailed explanation of on any of these points. I look forward to discussing each others’ research and how one might combine the strategies we have discovered.

Works Cited

“7 Steps to a LinkedIn Networking Strategy.” Www.linkedin.com, www.linkedin.com/pulse/7-steps-linkedin-networking-strategy-joanne-funch/. Accessed 6 July 2022.

Balkhi, Syed. “Tips for Successfully Networking on LinkedIn.” Business.com, www.business.com/articles/linkedin-networking-tips/. Accessed 5 July 2022.

DePaul, Kristi. “What to Say When You’re Reaching out to Someone on LinkedIn.” Harvard Business Review, 2 Nov. 2020, hbr.org/2020/11/what-to-say-when-youre-reaching-out-to-someone-on-linkedin.

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