Assignment 2:2 Samantha LinkedIn Best Practices Memo


To:           Kristy’s Group

From:      Samantha Teeple, Student <>

Date:        July 5, 2022

Subject:    Ten Best Practices for using LinkedIn as a Professional Networking Site

Networking is a necessary form of interaction with others to obtain contacts in a professional job search.6Networking can be done through the use of social media sites such as LinkedIn or in person. In today’s technological world LinkedIn has become a vastly popular mechanism for enhancing networking amongst professionals. After compiling researched data, the ten best practices for using LinkedIn as a professional networking site are as follows:

  1. Do build up your online profile/resume prior to requesting people to connect with you.7
  2. Include a professional headshot photo as profiles with this type of photo are viewed and interacted with most often.2
  3. Engage networking potential by having a clearly written headline that states your specialty.1
  4. Grow your network by searching for connections and sending out compelling messages that highlight why you want to connect with that individual or company and what you offer.4
  5. Create “search alerts” selected network criteria emailed weekly by LinkedIn to find curated networking opportunities.4
  6. Join groups and contribute to conversations to expand your networking.1
  7. Make use of job boards and chat with contacts who may be offering a job of interest.
  8. Choose to connect with quality people within and outside of your field versus a quantity of people.2
  9. Select a professional appearance to your LinkedIn profile including all community and networking interactions being thoughtfully planned and checked for grammatical errors.7
  10. Update your profile regularly and keep active on the site to show your participation in the networking community.3

With the ten best practices as a guide to using LinkedIn as a professional networking site job seekers can expand their individual networks and have increased job opportunities.5

Thank you for reading, I hope this increases your networking skills and community.


  1. Balkhi, Syed. “TIPS for Successful Networking on Linkedin.”com,
  2. Become Team. “How to Use LinkedIn for Professional Development & Networking.”org, 17 Nov. 2020,
  3. Davis, Joanna, et al. “Networking via Linkedin: An Examination of Usage and Career Benefits.”Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 118, Apr. 2020, p. 103396.,
  4. Elad, Joel. “LinkedIn for Dummies, 6th Edition.”O’Reilly Online Learning, For Dummies,
  5. LinkedIn Onesheets-Network-Final.—How-to-Network-for-Students.pdf.
  6. “Networking Definition & Meaning.”Merriam-Webster, Merriam-Webster,
  7. Panel, Expert. “Council Post: How to Make the Best Use of Linkedin and Virtual Networking Opportunities.”Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 19 Feb. 2021,

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